WebNovelLove me!!49.26%

Chapter 67

After the divorce was signed, Alex felt like a part of him had been ripped from him.

"Where are you staying?" he asked Camilla.

"That's none of your business." She replied coldly, walking closer to the street to order a taxi.

"I need to know where I should send your stuff." He said. "So yeah, it's my business. You are taking up space that does not belong to you."

"Oh yes of course. I'll send you the address later, ok?" She spoke and he nodded in agreement.

"I can give you a ride." He said. Alex didn't want to walk away from her. Even though he was angry, something in him was screaming for him to forget everything and kiss her and they would be happy again. That they could fix things.

"No need to bother, Mr. Strauss." She spoke and a car stopped in front of them. She opened the door, spoke to the driver and got inside. Alex watched her leave and he watched the street even after the taxi had been out of sight for a long time.