WebNovelLove me!!50.74%

Chapter 69

"Nice, Camilla Bakers!" The two shook hands.

Danielle accompanied Camilla to the shoe store, and then the two went to a diner. Camilla was in the mood for tacos. Danielle didn't object.

The two of them talked and Camilla was happy to see that she had met someone, a woman, and it wasn't from work.

"Do you need help with anything for this party tonight?"

"No, thank you. But we can arrange to see each other again."

"Oh please!" Danielle said and the two said goodbye.

As Camilla walked to her car, Daniella smiled, but this time it was different.

Camilla came home, took a nap and showered when she woke up to get ready. In the end, she looked at herself in the mirror and she liked the result. Camilla stroked her belly.

"Our first party together, baby." She said. The boy inside her kicked in and she smiled. Tears started to form in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. The makeup would be ruined.