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Chapter 104

Emma was now sitting on the sofa, her hands on her lap and her head down. She didn't know what to do. Mrs. Hill treated her very well, but gave Alex a death glare and asked Emma to wait a bit, while she had a word with the big guy. 

"What the hell were you thinking?" She scolded him. 

"Mrs. Hill, I think I am not a kid to have to behave with a young beautiful woman." he said. 

"Don't play fun here, Alex Keneth Strauss! This girl seems so nice and she does not deserve it! How can you treat her like this? She is about to take care of Davi's needs. Not yours." 

Her hands were on her hips and Alex felt he was, indeed, a child at the moment, being scolded for playing tricks. 

"I like her. I know she looks like Camilla, but I like her anyway. And I want her. I am too old to tiptoe around the puddle, don't you think? I want to have a family. She seems like a great choice. And I'll protect her."