graduation announcement

The day of the announcement of the graduation results arrived, everyone was not calm whether they graduated or not. There, the teachers came with a graduation letter as if the teacher was transforming into a prosecutor in the trial court who was ready to convict us as defendants, before the graduation distribution one of the teachers said that there were 3 people who did not pass, all of the students tensed up, letter after letter was given one by one the names were called and on the count of three the graduation results had to be opened together and when they saw the results everyone cheered happily for their graduation while I was looking for the 3 people who did not pass but I saw everyone was happy as if no one did not pass and it turned out that one of the teachers said that those who did not pass were the teachers who shared the results of our exams. It's a shame to be pranked, yes, people don't pass the exam or not

We also celebrated our graduation by crossing out our uniforms and at that moment I expressed my love for Sekar. In the midst of the crowd of people celebrating graduation, I also made my own graduation letter which I had prepared, but the words from the letter I wrote expressing love.

"The name mazen who was born in Subang November 21, 1999, we hereby state that you have gone through a lot of learning processes to understand love for Sekar Saraswati, we have considered many things from the approach process, the modes created and the strategies that have been used to conquer the hearts of today, but we as The examiner submits the results entirely to Sekar Saraswati to determine whether Mazen passes or not to be able to become Sekar Saraswati's girlfriend.

By crossing out one of the words PASS/NOT PASS, that is, we as examiners leave it entirely to Saraswati to choose one of the two sentences." Do not cross out the sentence that is your answer and cross out the sentence that is not your answer.

My feet were shaking, my heart was beating wildly when I saw Sekar started to choose one of these sentences, Sekar kept looking at my face for whatever meaning maybe Sekar wanted to see my seriousness then slowly Sekar started to choose and finally crossed out the word did not pass and let the word pass means I passed to be able Becoming his girlfriend instantly my dreams rose and a very deep sense of happiness when Sekar officially became my girlfriend.