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Chapter 3

Anya was standing next to her brother's door carefully listening. Her face was laying sideways on the door, however, she couldn't hear anything. It was probably over. She sighed and knocked.

Soon the door opened.

Her brother was wearing only a white undershirt and boxers. His eyes were red and tired and he didn't even bother to shut his WW holographic picture that was now pointlessly levitating over his arm.

"What?" he barked like she was annoying him. She didn't take kindly to his tone and shook her head.

"I heard you yelling, could you stop? I am learning!" she said to him upfront.

"I will shut up," he said and was about to close the door.

"Mom wants to see you," she stopped him.

"Why? I thought you came because of you,"

"She told me to tell you this, just go! You don't want to make her wait!" she was right and so he complied and went downstairs to the dining room. His mother was there sitting and eating chocolate cookies while watching a movie.

"Oh, hello there! It's been three days since I saw you," she said and paused the movie.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked and sit before her. It took a few seconds before she answered.

"Well of course! I always want to see you! So how is the studying going?"

"Its difficult and there is a lot of it..."

"Well, it is a planet,"


"What about the broadcast, do you want any help? Just ask!"

"It doesn't look like it is going to be difficult, just really embarrassing,"

"Tell me the details,"

"They will pick me up and drive me to a station, it's not that far...I will be interviewed by Morris Goodhart and Ilona Stard,"

"Oh! I love Ilona! You better get her autograph!"

"Yeah, yeah...two old celebrities! What a thrill!"

"Old? Are you saying I am old?"

"Not in the slightest!" he was quick to respond to her and even faster getting back to the topic at hand.

"They will ask me questions I got in advance and while they didn't tell me what to say I have some guidelines,"

"How long it will take?"

"Half an hour give or take,"

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes, but I care more about the money..." he said and felt the silence fill the room.

"We really cannot pay it for you?"

"No, sadly they billed me specifically and the bank still didn't answer me!"

"300 000 credits is simply too much for a fifteen-year-old boy, what is the government thinking?"

"Probably that whoever would win the planet would be an adult..."

"Honestly even for us, it would be a pretty big blow..."

"Thanks for the optimism,"

"Look, when it comes to money you have to be realistic! It's just numbered, you have to look at them like that!"

"Ahhh!" he said tiredly and lay down on the table. "I am so tired," he said and she laughed.

"How much did you read?"

"I am not even sure! I just know that there are still hundreds of pages left,"

"Anything interesting?"

"Work, work, work, work,"

"Welcome to adulthood," she smirked and he looked at her while still laying down on the table.

"Are you enjoying this? I am in debt!"

"Well you were so exciting being an adult, so here it is," she said and stood up. "Maybe you should relax a little, go to the workshop and take the mind of the paperwork. The government might stop us from helping you financially but not verbally so here is a piece of free advice. Make priorities! What is most important for you and act upon it!" she rustled his hair and went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink.

"Thanks, mom," he said embarrassed, and stood up to leave.

"What about your buddies?" She asked from the kitchen.

"I asked and they suggested for me to wait until the broadcast so I don't say anything bad,"

"Bad?" She asked confused, but Mat couldn't hear her over the door opening.

"Hello!" could be heard from the main entrance. His father was finally back home!

"Hi!" Mat answered and was about to go upstairs, but his dad stopped him.

"Wait, tell me how is work going!"

"It is okay," Mat replied and made his father laugh.

"That won't do! Come! Sit!" so he had to go back and sit at the table. His mother was still in the kitchen, now preparing coffee for her husband.

"So, how is the planet?"

"Nothing new, I focused on the laws then the planet characteristics,"

"Smart," he only said and sit down.

"There is still a lot of stuff to learn and the bank still didn't respond,"

"The bank will be fine, the government will make sure you can get the loan. They are not stupid,"

"I wonder," his mother responded instead of Mat and put the coffee before dad.

"Why?" he looked at her as she was sitting down next to him.

"The rule of us not helping him is stupid in itself, so I wouldn't trust the government much,"

"It is an oversight, it happens it is not a perfect system. Who could tell that fifteen-year-old boy wins a planet?"

"It could also be somebody poor,"

"They could get a loan!" he argued but she shook her head.

"We are his parents! We should be able to help our son! Forcing him to do something just to look good is illogical,"

"They don't want to give the opposition anything to attack the government with!"

"Forcing him to do everything alone is better than him giving the prize to somebody?"

"It is not ideal, but they cannot show weakness!"

"You don't have to cover for them, you are not at work," she said a little bit annoyed.

"Okay, I am tired...good night!" Mat smelled trouble and left his parents discussing politics.