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Chapter 22

Mat was sitting at the kitchen table helping his sister with an English essay when his parents came how together.

"Oh, are you studying together?" asked mom, and after she took off her coat she sat next to them.

"Obviously, mom!"

"What are you working on?"

"English essay," Mat said but his sister laughed.

"More like a book! It is a yearly project. Everybody needs to write a fictional story,"

"Oh! That is fun!"

"Why would you ask Mat for help with English?" dad asked and laughed at Mat annoyed face.

"To brainstorm ideas,"

"I am also using my English at work you know, look I am writing an article right now..."

"Oh and you stay here with your sister, isn't that cute!" his sister teased him.

"Shut it!"

"Wanna eat dinner sooner since you are already here?" dad asked and they all agreed so he went to the kitchen right away.

"Today is not dad days to cook..." Mat noticed and his mother sighed.

"I am really tired from work, so he volunteered,"

"Yes, there was no coercion, the whole way home was no sighing and complaining," dad laughed.

"Did something happen?"

"Just very exhausting debate, the company election is nearing and I would love to win it,"

"I thought people love you!" the sister said surprised.

"Of course, but few people from business found two external contractors that are putting a good fight,"

"I am pretty sure you will win, this term flew by without any issue," Mat said and she smiled.

"Thank you, kids, I hope so too,"

"Not like the money is that different," said dad and gave everybody a cold drink on the table.

"It is not about the money, you know that," the mother said and he smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"I know,"

"Oh brother, maybe we should work upstairs, they look like they need some privacy,"

"Don't be a wuss, is just a kiss on the forehead," Mat replied without averting his gaze from WW screen.

"It is okay, she is at that age, Mat,"

"He is not that different!" she protested but only received mocking smiles.

"So what about school? Anything interesting?" their mother asked.

"Not really,"

"I joined a club...its a planetary exploration research club,"

"Don't tell me you took it just because of the planet!" his mother asked in surprise.

"No, actually that would be a reason not to take it, but it is a small club with a very, very enthusiastic girl that will do most of the work," Mat said proudly.

"Girl you say?" his sister noticed, but before he could reply his mother interrupted him.

"You will put your responsibility on her?"

"Th-that is not what I meant. She asked me to join because of my planet and so I have to just help her with some research,"

"Hmm, I hope so. It is nice you started to work, but don't let the planet define you,"

"I know mom, you all say that, like, all the time! Maybe we should make it a motto of our family,"

"What a lovely motto!" she laughs. "It has been long since I knit something, maybe I knit something with it!"

"I am still more curious about the girl?"

"I am not interested if you are asking that,"

"Anybody else in the club?"

"My male friend from my class joined and there is a third person which I am yet to meet. So no," said Mat putting emphasis on his friend's maleness.

"Just because he is male doesn't mean..."

"He is also not my type. What is with this questioning? Are you finished with your work?"

"Finished? I barely got some structure down! I have to write a story, not 2 pages!"

"Hey! Writing an article is not that easy!" Mat said and put his work away.

"I read some of them and ... "


"They were alright!" answered his mother for his sister.

"Yeah...that," his sister laughs.


Hello Mat! I hope you are doing well! I made another list of websites and other services that might be helpful for your future plans for the planet. While the media circus died out, be aware that any time somebody can make an independent article about you. Here is an innocent example: "Youngest planet owner!". I noticed you joined a club with a noticeable history! very good.


"Wow, he already knows about the club, what a bloody stalker! But noticeable history?" Mat closed the message and quickly asked Ember, however before she replied he got a message from Suzy.

Hi, so I talked a little bit with my father and he was curious about the lottery as well. One thing led to another and he was unsure about what that Lucas person did. I ask him to do nothing, so don't worry. Still, we could look over some documents If what they did was legal.

Please do not make any waves! Really! The last thing my nerves need is more stressed Lucas. Also, I checked the legal stuff and it looked legal. He even explain to me everything in front of a policeman, so I doubt that he would be so blantat.

Suzy was quick to respond:

Maybe not illegal, but my dad was concerned about the coercion by pressure. Especially to somebody so young. There are laws for government representatives overstepping their jurisdiction using threats of legal non-substantiated punishments.

Really thanks, but he only threatened me with legal fines.

But also some nebulous government consequences from disappointing the media, right?

He did start to watch my WW as a punishment for not being as good in the media. However, that coupled with some rumbling emails I get every day is not really a case for some legal action...

Maybe not legal. Maybe make him taste a bit of his medicine with some media exposure of his office.

Please do not go to war with him.

I just do not like his attitude. He bloody forced you to sell your toys!

Model boats, not toys and that was just to my parents. It was because I had to pay a fee for the administration.

That is completely normal...well the biggest bullshit is the fact you cannot give it away. Even my dad was surprised, but apparently, it is normal for first prices. Though it is not really prohibited, it is just very, very complicated and costly.

Yeah...but thanks for talking with your dad about it.

No worry, so I will drop it...since you so obviously do not want a date with me

"What is she saying..." Mat whispered to himself.

That would be a boring date anyway, think of something more interesting!

It took her a bit longer before she replied.

Next time then...