Awakening ceremony

They rode in a luxurious carriage with a black raven symbol the symbol of the royal family. During the ride Enyo learned that the empire was named black raven and the capital was raven city. He also learned that many kids after awakening get accepted to different academy's depending on their awakening talent there were 10 levels of awakening talent. 5 for mages and 5 for Warriors.


Red level 1 talent

Yellow level 2 talent

Green level 3 talent

Blue level 4 talent

Black level 5 talent


Purple level 1 talent

Gold level 2 talent

Sliver level 3 talent

Orange level 4 talent

Brown level 5 talent

Level one was the best talent while level 5 was considered trash to most cultivated. Enyo the looked at his father and mother before asking what color their core were. They both replied at the same time red said Musashi while Rani said purple. Enyo slightly gasped at the fact that even though level 1 was rare his parents both had level 1 talent. Max continued talking as he felt his knowledge was superior to Enyo and it made him feel better after his defeat. There is also a legend that there is a level better than level 1 and that's called level 0 no one has ever seen it before. Enyo was surprised before the emperor laughed that's just a legend pay no mind to him. The conversation continued till the carriage came to a stop. The emperor disembarked first with his head held high and the aura of a ruler. There was a crowd of people bowing as he walk through his children walking behind him. Then once Musashi disembarked the crowd shifted as they stood up straight before saluting him. This was his knight squad he told to show up 200 men and women trained by him personally. Enyo look at his father with awe as these people looked at his father with loyalty and devotion. Enyo recognized this look right away as it was the look his men gave him in his past life. Feeling nostalgic he quickly put away his thoughts before following his parent. As everyone entered the awakening hall the emperor treated the hall elder. Even though the man was old he gave Enyo a sense that he was a dragon amongst men. The elder notice his gaze and smiled before greeting his father. The conversed for a few minutes before more and more people filed in. Enyo notice some people were dressed very nice while other look plain. His father said to him the awakening ceremony is mandatory among all the citizens in the kingdom. This can bring a poor family to the top if they have a talented seed and can also ruin a family if their younger generations turn out to be talentless. His expression changed as he thought if he was talentless he'd hurt his family. Knowing his thoughts his father laughed and said your my son it's impossible to be talentless. Enyo clinched his fist before saying a silent prayer. He wanted to be a shine star who people looked up to. After 20 minutes the elder walked up a platform were twin glass balls were situated. He once he spoke everyone stopped talking as he gestured for some people to take a seat on the balcony behind him. His father quietly whispered to him. Those are the 11 heads of the academies they will extend offers to the kids they find talented enough for their school. Enyo just nodded and continued to stare at the old man. We will now start this year's awakening ceremony each child will come and place one hand on each orb. Which ever one glows will determine your talent and which class you will enter. I wish you all luck on your awakening. And with that said the first child went up the ball glowed before the elder said.