
Enyo walked back to his parents with confusion before asking. Father what happened am I trash did I don't understand. His father was the first to recover from his stupor before looking at his wife. They both nodded before saying son do you remember the legend Max told you about on the way over here. Yes I remember Enyo said, well those color are from that legend. It's to indicate that you are a level zero with unlimited potential. It's never been seen in person and only the elite even know about it. But none of us have ever seen it before. Just then Titus cut in old friend it not that simple he's a duel awakening level zero I don't think that ever happened before anywhere. Enyo didn't know if this was good or bad suddenly the elder appeared next to them before saying young man the road ahead for you will be rocky but if you survive you will change the world. He then turned around and look at the academy heads before saying you may start extending your invitations. They nodded and proceeded to approach the newly awakened children with an offer to come study and improve at their academy. Some people had one invite while Max, the girl who was a duel awakening and the kid with level 1 talent were approach by all but one school. Max and the kid with level one talent rejected all the school as if they knew something everyone else didn't. The girl with duel awakening saw this and did the same noticing there was more going on than she knew. Max went to stand next to his dad while Enyo sense something was going on. Suddenly the last academy head stood up and walked towards Enyo and his family. Nice to see you again Musashi, Rani and Titus. Nice to see you all well academy head Fel. Enyo look at his father who introduced him. Son this is the black raven academy head Fel. Myself your mother and the emperor were recruited by him and attend that academy. Enyo nodded understanding what was going on but before he could say anything a commotion interrupted him. Not this time Fel we won't let you have your way this year one academy head said. He right an old woman stated this is once and a life time and you'll have to fight me to for him. Suddenly Musashi frown as the heads started releasing their aura. Just then the elder who gave the assignment released his aura and said with a cold voice. Are you threatening him in my presence. It seems you all have forgotten who I am I don't mind giving you all a reminder. Suddenly a deadly pressure descended giving everyone a sense of suffocation. The academy head quickly knelt down and apologized to the elder before leaving with the youths they recruited. Fel stood up before turning to the duel awakened girl and the level one boy and said meet me at the academy entrance in one month before nodding to Musashi and Titus and walking out of the hall. After regaining his composure he stared at the elder with wide eyes. My apologies young one it's been a while since I had to release my power to remind people to keep in line he said with a laugh. He then turned to leave before stopping to say I look forward to seeing you accomplish great things before disappearing into thin air. Enyo was stunned while his dad could only smile wryly. I know you have questions just wait till we leave.