Mission start

Enyo was surprised at how fast and agile the wind wolves were. He understood why they weren't in the city as their side would cause some issues to the buildings. He wonder if all animals could be used like this. Thinking about this made him excited as he preferred animal company more than human anyway. Due to his past life he had an aversion to humans as they would betray you easier than an animal. As he was deep in his thoughts they continued forward unimpeded for the next 2 hours. Enyo was brought back to reality when the wolves stop. Let's rest here Musashi said as he dismounted everyone else followed suit. As they rested Musashi helped Enyo to practice sensing the elements. After a little guidance Enyo seemed to get the hang of it as was left to rest and cultivate. Although he didn't have a cultivation technique it didn't mean he couldn't strength his connection with the many elements. He cultivated for 4 hours before opening his eyes with a smile. He had gained a strong sense for the earth and wind element a lot fast than he expected. When Musashi saw him open his eyes he gestured for him to come sit next to him and eat. While eating he noticed they were the only 2 there and asked, where did everyone go? They went to scout ahead for some good places for you to hunt that way we aren't searching aimlessly. Enyo nodded and continued to eat. Suddenly Musashi asked how would you feel about attending Black Raven Academy. Enyo looked up with a questioning gaze. Although he wasn't interested in the academies he knew his parents wanted the best for him. When would I have to go there if I want to attend he asked. There still a month before new students have to report. Enyo then asked if I go does that mean it will be a long time before I see you and mother again. This was important from Enyo he finally had the family he wanted and didn't want to be away for to long. No you can apply to stay off campus since we live close to it and we know the academy head it should be a problem. Plus let's not forget you are a once in a lifetime awakening I'm sure they'll do many things to accommodate your wishes. Finally he asked what do you think I should do father? Musashi was a little taken aback he didn't think Enyo would want his opinion on the matter. But he recovered soon and said I as well as your mother think it would be good for you to go. Not only can you get the training in the things your mother and I can't teach you. It's also a chance for you to make some friends and spend time with people your own age. Enyo thought to himself before saying I will attend the school but I want to stay at home with you and mom. Musashi agreed before saying once we're back we will move to the other house since it's closer and convenient. The father and son duo talked for another hour before the 4 subordinates returned. Captain we've found the perfect first hunt for young master. It's a group of level one lightning panthers. Musashi was surprised, one had to know that lightning panthers were rare in their area and their body would fetch a high price. He then look at Enyo and asked son are you ready. Enyo nodded be for saying in his head system start the mission.