Final kill

When Musashi opened his eyes he saw Titus with his mouth wide open. He looked like he saw something he couldn't explain. Your son is a beast tamer, Musashi just smiled before saying well yes and no. As you know Reider is a beast tamer who can help people bond with beast and they will have a loose connection. But with Enyo he can only bond beasts with his blood relations and his subordinates who are fully loyal. On top of that I can talk to my bonded beast clearly and we can understand each other perfectly. Titus was shocked and excited but once he heard that only his family and loyal subordinates can be bonded by him he was a little sad. They sat and chatted throughout the night catching up. Enyo was fast asleep after all he had some intense battles not to mention bonding the beast. He needed his rest as tomorrow was the last day to complete the mission. The next day Enyo woke up just be the sun rose as usual and started his morning exercises. He had a slight smile on his face because he knew he would finish his mission today. Inazuma was watching his master intently with a strong desire to get stronger. As the sun rose the rest of the camp started to wake up. Well son are you ready we will set out soon, yes father he replied excitedly. Musashi didn't know why Enyo was so excited but just assumed he was extra motivated. Squad assemble just like every morning Musashi assembled his knights. Ok squad just like usual go find some beasts for Enyo report back ASAP. They set out immediately Enyo was finishing his preparations when the knights hurried back sooner than expected. Musashi frowned what happened, captain Alvis quickly spoke up there's a horde of beast coming this way. How many Musashi quickly asked how many did you see. At least 100 sir Musashi then made a quick decision. You 4 take the emperor and his son back now there no time to waste. Once back ready all three knights to prepare for battle. Titus spoke up Musashi will you be ok out here. Musashi just nodded and said I will by you guys time to get the defenses set up. Enyo looked at Musashi and said father I will stay with you. Musashi thought to himself before saying you must listen to everything I tell you and if I say flee you must do so do you understand. Enyo quickly nodded be and grew excited. Inazuma this time you will be participating, suddenly a lion appeared behind Inazuma oh Kaen you want to participate too. She replied with a enthusiasm as she wanted to prove she was strong. Suddenly Musashi said Koning take Raionkingu and scout ahead they both roared and set out. Son let's go Musashi was in full battle mode with his weapon at the ready. Suddenly a water ape flew out from the tree but before Musashi could react Enyo sprung into action quickly beheading it. His beasts also started attacking the ones behind it making short work. One had to know that all the weakest beasts would be at the front of a beast tide. Suddenly Enyo got a notification from the system, 10 out of 10 beasts killed mission complete. Would you like to view cultivation technique now. Enyo was excited but quickly calmed down then replied not yet as they would be fighting nonstop. After an hour of fighting they retreated slightly to get a break when suddenly Koning and Raionkingu appeared. Did you find out what's causing this beast tide he asked quickly. Yes master it's a group of level 5 beast 3 to be exact. A water ape, a lightning ape and an earth ape. They seem to be trying to expand their territory with this tide. Just level 5. Musashi said hmmm interesting, first let's return to the capital before we formulate a plan.