Secret Realm

Enyo looked around in awe he'd never seen anything so peaceful. Dara walked over to Enyo and said you can take your beasts out now. Enyo nodded and let them out the bag, when they came out they were shocked at the element energy they felt. Master this place is amazing I can feel my body being cleansed of all its impurities. Ajax was surprised by how his body was reacting to this place. Seeing his face Dara smile this place has very pure elemental energy it'll be very good for you body. Bo suddenly spoke up shall we go to where we will be staying. He was very proud of this place as it took a lot of work to make it what it is now. The arrived at a big spacious mansion, it looked like it had just been built. We made this place specifically for you Enyo. We will do everything we can to make sure you are stronger when we leave here. Rani was helping her mother out as she know activating that shield took a lot out of her. Mother what will we do about father, Dara replied with a cold look in her eye. We will destroy everything he holds dear. Walking Into the mansion Aldan went to make some food and tea, while Bo and Dara rested. Musashi was looking at his father with a complicated look before asking why didn't you tell me who kill my mother. Bo replied without out looking what would you have done you are weak with no power and you married his daughter what then would you resent her for what her father did. Musashi was at a loss he didn't think of it that way. He knew his wife had nothing to do with it but knowing himself he would probably blame the whole family. Aldan suddenly cut in before things to got to heavy, everyone how about we turn in for the day and rest. We can figure out our way ahead tomorrow after a good night's sleep. Although it was still early they were all exhausted from the events that transpired earlier and agreed without hesitation. As expected the night was peaceful and quiet. When Enyo woke up to do his morning exercises he was surprised to see his grandmother already out side sitting in a chair. Enyo walked over and asked grandmother is everything ok. Dara was pulled out of her thoughts by Enyo questions and looked at him. Yes dear I am fine just lost in my thoughts, why are you up so early. I'm always up this early to do my morning exercise would you like to join me. Dara smiled lightly and said sure dear just show me what you do. Enyo started to do a series of intricate movements Dara had never seen before but she felt a profoundness coming from them. Enyo stopped and look at her, we're you able to see grandma. Dara nodded and then started to move like Enyo. She felt her spirt elemental energy in her body surge all over. At the same time all her acupoints opened at the same time even ones she didn't notice were there. She felt a sudden enlightenment and before she knew it she had progress to the next stage after being stuck for over 50 years. Enyo stopped when he notice a strong pressure coming from Dara. Bo, Aldan, Musashi and Rani were all woken up by the strong pressure and ran outside. When they saw Dara was at a critical stage of advancement the stopped their tracks and waited silently. Suddenly Rani noticed Enyo and gestured for him to come over. Son what happened with your grandmother for her to suddenly progress like this, what were you two doing out here? I don't know mother he responded when I came out to do my morning exercises she was already out here. So I asked if she would like to do them with me. After I showed her what to do she started to do them with me and then became like this. Hearing this Bo was deep in thought but would wait to ask her before coming to a conclusion.