
They felt Enyo increase to stage 8 but for some reason he wasn't moving from the water. Musashi frowned normally once he level ups he leaves but this time he's not moving I wonder if something happened. Suddenly the water around started to ripple before covering Enyos body fully. I've never seen the spirits so excited before Dara suddenly said. Suddenly the water in front of them started to ripple and a body started to form. It look like Enyo but was completely made of water. It walked up to each one of them before stopping in front of Bo. It looked at if it was scanning his body when it suddenly reached out for his chest. Bo had his guard down so he could defend against the grab. First he felt extreme pain which made him scream out. But after a second the pain went away and it was replaced with a cool serene feeling. It lasted for about a minute before the water receded as if it was never there. Bo was lost in thought before he realized his injury has been healed. He looked at everyone with shock on his face. I can't believe it he said, I'm healed I'm really healed how did he do it. Enyo was slowly sitting up from the water rubbing his head. Musashi rushed out to pick him up seeing him so exhausted. Son what happened are you ok. Yes dad I am fine he replied I just feel really tired. I'm not to sure what happened, all I know is that I heard some voices in my head telling me grandfather was hurt significantly and I just really wanted to help him. Musashi looked at Dara who shook her head now was not the time to talk about this. Let's go back and rest son you've had a long day Musashi suddenly said. With that Enyo passed out from exhaustion and Musashi carried him back home and put him in his room. He woke up the next day later than usual and walked out of his room. He was very hungry and felt like he hadn't eatin in days. When he came out he saw everyone around the dining table eating and talking when the saw him they smiled and told him to come eat. He wasn't polite and began to eat everything he laid his eyes on. After he was full he looked at his father and asked what happened to me yesterday. Well l…. Musashi didn't really know how to explain it so he looked at Rani. She looked at Enyo and said well son for those of us who are mages when we cultivate we use the elements as well as elemental spirits. Now for most they won't notice them till they are much stronger. The more elemental spirits like to be around you the stronger you will be able to become. Enyo was listening to each word as if it were good. Now what happened at the water area is simple to explain. The elemental spirits like you very much and as such you have more around you than I've ever seen which is why you cultivation jumps so much in each area. So when you subconsciously heard about you grandfather's injury the mental thoughts you put out were heard by them and they helped you heal him. But what you didn't is way to far beyond your level which is why you felt so exhausted and passed out right after. Enyo nodded then asked so then when will I be able to use the spirits without passing out. Well son normal people have to wait till the manifestation stage but I think you can do it in the condensation stage. But enough of all that you should rest for the day and we will continue your training tomorrow Enyo nodded before going to relax outside next to a tree.