
The next more Enyo woke up with new determination. He felt like he was on the cusp of achieving total control of the water element. After his morning exercises he at breakfast before eagerly going to meet his mother for training.

He had a look of determination and confidence that made it seem like he could do anything. Seeing this Dara smiled before ignoring his presence. Enyo didn't notice his mother's aloof expression and started to train his water mana control. He seemed to be trying to apply what he learned from the warrior training to his mage training. As he expected he make significant progress using this method but suddenly he hit a wall.

He felt he was close so he kept trying different methods. After a while he was becoming agitated and wanted to rush to finish. This cause even more mistakes and made him regress in his training. Dara suddenly stood up and walked away from the area. Enyo was so focused he didn't notice. She walked for 5 minutes before seeing Musashi and the others. Are you sure I shouldn't help him dear. Musashi smiled no this is the pitfall of a genius and he must recognize it. We can't force our help on his. Things have come easy for him till now and he needs to learn how to seek others advice.

Enyo kept trying and kept failing which caused him more frustration. After 4 hours his mother returned and said that's enough let's go have lunch. He reluctantly nodded and went back visibly disappoint at not mastering it as he expected.

His determination did not waver though as they expected. In fact he became even more intense and motivated. He finished his lunch before going to find his father to continue his warrior training. Just like Rani, Musashi was sitting there meditating when Enyo arrived. Enyo paid not attention to Musashi and started his training.

He picked up where he left off the day before but soon realized he wasn't making. His frustration from the morning training also carried over from the morning session. He was soon making mistakes at every turn causing his aura to backlash on him.

Suddenly Musashi stood up and yelled THATS ENOUGH. Hearing his yell Enyo snapped out of his head and looked at Musashi's angry face. Can't you see you're only causing harm to yourself it's only been 2 hours Enyo quickly said. Musashi frowned and yelled GO BACK AND REFLECT ON YOUR ACTIONS HE NOW. Musashi had never yelled at Enyo before but had to get through to him some how. Enyo was taken aback by his fathers anger and left the training ground. Musashi sighed, I wonder if I've made the wrong decision with his training. Bo appeared behind and said you must stick to your decision in order to see the fruits of your labor.

Enyo was depressed he thought he had let his father down. He then noticed he was covered in bruises from his training and felt pain all over. Why didn't I notice this before he thought to himself. Seeing their master in such rough shape Inazuma and Kaen went to comfort Enyo. He sat in his room and skipped dinner that night.

He tossed and turned but couldn't sleep as all he could think about was his failure. He got up and decided to take a walk to clear his head. He found a tree and sat down next to it looking at the sky for some sort of inspiration. Suddenly he heard a voice, it seems you are stuck how does it feel. He looked up and saw elder Aldan sitting in the tree. Oh sorry to bother you elder I didn't notice you were there.

It's quite alright he chuckled more importantly it seems you are very distracted, wanna talk about it? Enyo was quiet for a second before saying well honestly I fell I let everyone down. I'm not progressing as fast as I need. Aldan cut him off and asked. Do you think any of us took a day to master and element try a month some people take longer. You are so arrogant that you don't even see your flaws. Let me ask you if you don't know how to build a house what do you do.

Enyo was confused by the question but still answered you ask an expert of course. As soon as he said that his face lit up. Hmmm I see you understand now Aldan said. That's right you are not an expert but you've acting like one this whole time. Your fast success made you overconfident and now you realize your flaw.

Can I ask your advice elder Enyo asked. Aldan smiled and said what can I do for you. Well I can seem progress in my training and it's only getting worse. Let me ask you Enyo when you fight is your mind chaotic and emotional. Enyo shook his head no it's calm because emotions cloud judgement. Exactly he replied so why are you letting your emotions affect your training Enyos eyes widened he didn't think of this and realized his flaws. He quickly stood up thank you elder for the advice he bowed to him and ran back to his room to sleep for tomorrows training.