
Enyo continued his fire practice for the next 3 days. Each day show more progress than the last. He felt more comfortable and learned more about fire each day. Finally on the fourth day he mastered the control of fire for the mage aspect. Seeing this Dara said now show me an attack. Enyo thought to himself before making a fire spear and launching it through a tree. The tree instantly burned down. But in his excitement Enyo used to much energy.

Enyo rested before going to his warrior training. Although he progressed faster in his mage training, his warrior training lagged behind. Not because he didn't understand how to do it. But from fear that if he made a mistake he would heavily injured. If he were injured he would have to take a break from training and he didn't want to do that. Another day went by and Enyo was still going slowly. Seeing this Musashi called for Enyo after dinner to talk with him. Father you called for me he asked, looking at him Musashi nodded. I just want you to know that you are doing great but you must remember one thing. Do not let fear hold you back, keep pressing ahead and don't let the fear hinder you. That's all you may return to your room.

After returning to his room Enyo was in deep thought. How did he know of my fear I always hide my emotions well. Feeling his agitation his spirit beasts came over to him. Enyo looked at them before coming to a conclusion. No matter what I will press ahead and not let my fear hinder me any longer. When he was reborn he vowed that he would live his life with no regrets. So I he would put his all into everything he did.

The next day Enyo went to warrior training. He didn't hesitate he activated his full body flame aura for the first time before charging at the practice dummy he started striking and attacking for 10 minutes straight only stopping when he exhausted his energy. Bo who was watching from afar smiled and looked at Musashi. Looks like that talk you had with him worked, he probably didn't even notice why he was holding back. Musashi just nodded I only knew because I went through the same thing.

After another 2 days Enyo mastered his control of the flame aura. But instead of creating an attack skill with it. He decided to create a movement technique that would boost his speed. He had a plan when it came to the skills he learned. As he would want to use multiple elements at the same time. Once he got a hold of the technique the system gave him a notification. Congratulations on advancing to stage 4 master. Enyo smiled finally I have ahold of the flame element.

Congratulations Enyo a voice came from behind him after his level up finished. Thank you grandfather Enyo replied, he was all smiles. Enyo spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking with his parents. He decided he would take 2 weeks to continue to train his water and fire elements before moving to the next one. That way he would release some of the stress he had built up from the training sessions. While he was resting Aldan suddenly walked up to him. Good afternoon elder Aldan Enyo suddenly said. Hello Enyo I have a question for you, he was very curious at what he could want to ask. What kind of weapon do you want made for you?