Spirit Bond

Enyo was shocked along with his mother. Neither of them had expected this outcome.

Mother what do you mean he wants to bond with me he asked with puzzled expression. Well son it's as I said seems like he wants to bond with you. Suddenly the both heard a voice in their heads.

Humans do not be alarmed I wish you no harm. They both looked at the spirit king at the same time with shock. You can speak to us Rani asked, she had never heard a spirit speak. My name is king Absa and I would like to form a bond with you young man.

Enyo was listen and couldn't help but be filled with questions. King Absa hope I don't offend you but why me. Enyo was very puzzled at this turn of events. Absa just laughed at young man you may not not but all spirits have someone they are destined to bond with. But with the vastness of the universe we may never meet that person.

Enyo was shocked at what the spirit king said. He looked at his mother but she was also shocked by what the water spirit kings said. Enyo looked at the spirit king and asked what will happen if we bond. Well we will merge you will gain my control, knowledge and skill of water and all my knowledge. And I will become one with you although I will lose my physical form and control I will still be able to communicate with you when you require help or have questions.

Enyo was a little surprised all the benefits were on his side and the spirits were seemingly getting the short end. Suddenly Dara walked out from the forest. Enyo you must not over look this opportunity, it's once in a life time. I know you have some reservations because you know you mother also wants one, but don't pass this up. Hearing her the king suddenly thought of something, young man if I have a way to help you find the spirit your mother is to bond with will you bond with me?

Enyos eyes lit up, seriously you have a way to make that happen. The king nodded indeed I do as a water spirit king I have a technique I can use but I can only use it once. The king then looked at Rani miss I need a drop of your blood. She complied with a calm expression and waited for the results. The king took the blood and made some hand signs. The blood lit up and then disappeared, after a few seconds a bright light flashed. A dark blue water spirit was now standing in front of the water spirit king.

She looked at the spirit king a kneeled. My king you have summoned me is there something wrong that you need my help with. After asking that question she felt a familiar force and turn her head towards Rani.