How to be an invited guest


There is no other definition to humiliation and devaluation of your personality like self -invitation. It often never works and if it does the outcome is very low and casual, with poor value and prenatal outcome.

There is honor if you hide within the crowd and you are pointed out by the master of the ceremony; there is a magic that follows any man who is invited, whatever he does seems to be professional and acceptable. Jesus was invited to a marriage ceremony, (John 2) and he added wine to the celebrations, your summons is very important because it is like a new wine added to the event to which you are bidden. Anointing flows much if you reserve the honor of solicitation I see men of God calling other Pastors asking them for an invitation; that is to tell you how worthless and valueless your coming will be. If you have kept yourself out of sight enough they will come looking for you.

Self- invitation makes your performances stumpy because you are small already by inviting yourself. People see self -invitation as trying to do a public show of you by force. Such kind of public shows does not attract or carry energy. Self- invitation is unofficial, transversal, and even many times annoying, don't weary people because when You stage yourself, you may never have to leave there because of the embarrassment that will be melted at you if you do '' Horridness to be known is horridness to be stoned.'' Horridness to be seen is horridness to be sued; horridness to be felt is horridness to be kept aside. Dr. Paul Enenche said and I quote,, '' if you hurry to appear you quickly fade out''- he said repress until you implode-that implosion cause explosion when you explode you must be invited nobody can hide a burning fire. The bible said a city set on the hill cannot be hidden Matthew 5:14

Most of the time people who invite themselves have nothing to offer only that one small stuff that's all; they get satisfied and leave. And many times the most talented don't even know how to come out they are inexperienced, afraid and shy but if invited that magic wand will pull out and the miracle will just happen.

You don't know what stuff you are made of until you are invited. Invitation has special ways of announcing the energy inside you. in June 2018, I was invited by an international well know Christian NGO to a beautiful hotel in central Area Abuja Nigeria to seat with professors in a discussion on how best to combat corruption in Nigeria. Because I was invited, I was able to gather momentum enough to speak amidst this gray headed people I couldn't imagine doing that till today why? The reason is because I was invited and given the same privileges in the same hotel. The four days we spent together in the meeting I contributed my own little quota of knowledge and if I had stormed into Them, I would simply be sitting down and if I said anything I may have contributed out of point and out of fear and the outcome would have been to be driven out. Psychologically speaking there will be no moral to boost your psychic energy to do better than if you are invited. The expenses on you alone will make you jump over the roof to bring out the best in you. It is not a sin if you are not invited as a guest at the moment it is that your time has not come. For when your time comes your first invitation will determine others to the rest of your life just keep working hard. My first invitation attracted 2,000 naira only but my second gave me a beautiful accommodation that I need never to pay a rent for up to three years I decided to pay the fourth year to avoid undermining altruism and so on.

There is one secret behind waiting it is called revival, an outburst of overloaded virtue flowing like a fountain everybody must want a taste of it whether they like it or not at that point, invitation is inevitable. Just like David in the wilderness feeding his sheep, worshiping God and killing lions and bears like chicken –Until there is a revival in you, you cannot invite yourself.

Jephter, was a man with many issues, a bastard, son of a prostitute driven from his father's patrimony and traveled to the land of Tob-TOB means Good land, there he met worthless men who could never smell any platform in life, there he trained them until he brought soldiers out of them A need arose where there was war in Israel and news came that the bastard is now a captain to cut all story short he was invited not as captain to lead his band anymore, but to be known as the father of Israel. That is what invitation can do it make you hold portfolios and give you a title and make you reasonable. I can imagine if Jephtha had gone before he was invited they would say; this stupid bastard boy has come again please you are welcome to leave or go back don't come and add to our problems'' but he waited until there was a need for him. Please wait until there is a need for you it's a good thing, you cannot know am a good preacher until you invite me I can never invite myself.


Don't listen to the Drive coming too early

Don't listen to flattering- its deceptive

Drop pride and continue learning

Drop early arrival mentality

Just keep praying for God to show you up at his time not your time

Don't follow bandwagons of charlatans -Be different!

Obey your mentor and follow him spiritually

Get busy doing what is good and that which you like very well

Be yourself.

Don't listen to that drive coming too early: As a human being there is that drive seeking for expression. This drive is not bad it is a good one but if the drive is coming too early repress it. Too early means, the idea may be interesting and nice but unbaked and crude staging such an idea will kill the entire essence of it and drive you into self -isolation that may never grace a second moment.

Don't listen to flattering it Deceptive

Be very careful when people praise you for what you are practically not, you take the glory you are not qualified for and this very act instigates the false drive that makes a man want to invite himself.

Drop Pride and Continue Learning

When you stop learning then pride takes over you. Learning is ever continuous it is a nonstop affair devotes your time. Learn more than you know stop bragging about the little you know -it's not enough to make you an invited guest.

Drop Early Arrival Mentality

Let me ask you a question if you arrive early then what next? Does it mean the world has come to an end? Early arrival has ended many destinies and carriers.

Pray for God to show you up

There is nothing as forcible as an idea whose time has come (Matin Luther King Junior)

When God shows you up, you will know, Satan will know, people will know that God has shown you up. God can never show you up and becloud you again, it is better for God to show you up than for you to show yourself up

Don't Follow Band Wagons Of Charlatans

Charlatans are noise makers they may bear the title pastors but full of noise when they invites themselves you see them jumping up and down the podium with no drop of new revelation and if any it will be in pride and lacking Christian piety. Do not follow empty vessels they make too much noise their words are not weighty when it lands on the water of your heart you feel no displacement at all from such desist if not you will find yourself inviting yours self like them.

Obey Your Mentor and Follow Him Spiritually

The sons of the prophet knew ELIJAH would be going soon, Elisha also knew but the different between them and Elisha was that Elisha followed while they watched. There is nothing heard of them that watched only Elisha took over the stage, the only thing that was heard of one of the sons of the prophet was that he died in debt and left his family to suffer for it to the point that his two sons would be taken as slaves in replacement until Elisha stepped in.

Obey your mentor and follow him spiritually, get all you can get because when his time expires you will be the next to be invited. Premature detachment can cause low birth weight of destiny leading to the problem of attachment which when interpreted consequently is the reason for self -invitation. Developmentally, a child who is born prematurely is more likely to die at infant stage.

People invites you when you become expensive you cannot be expensive when you have not finished your assignments and when God is not through with you, work hard believe in God, believe in your vision, pray and trust God until your assignment is known to all men you are welcome to be invited .