Elaine's Departure!

At an apartment complex in a cheap neighborhood in New York, Elaine stood at the door on the third floor; she knocked. "Coming!" A woman's voice sounded from inside; soon after, the door opened, and a beautiful forty-year-old lady stood by the door. Seeing Elaine, the woman smiled as she hugged Elaine.

"Here comes my baby; I was already starting to miss you. Hungry? Cause I made your favorite lasagna."

"I miss you too, mom."

Elaine happily hugged her mother as she replied. Both ladies walked into the house with the door closing behind them.

"Your father left to get some candles; you know it's that special time of the year."

"Yes, your anniversary. Are you guys staying in this year?"

"...Yeah~ It was my idea; we won't be able to pay this month's rent if we go out... You are quite early today; Carlson gave you a holiday or something?"