King XZ Droids: The Ultimate Bodyguards 2 (New)

<+ Mana Utilization: Capable of assimilating and utilizing Mana energy. Integrating Mana with Nuclear Arch Reactor Energy Core. Integration complete.

Sub perks:

Instant Mana Regeneration: Passive regeneration of Mana energy. Capable of instant Mana/ Energy recovery.

Energy Absorption: Passive absorption of Energy within attacks and from the surroundings, which replenishes self-energy and accumulates absorbed energy for explosive counterattack.

Environmental Adaptation: Automatically adapt to any environment.

Ability Replication: Actively analyze and replicate any ability. All replicated abilities can be retained and fused.

Network Evolution: With authorization, capable of Evolving Network and Software systems depending on the threat.

Body Manipulation: Capable of merging and becoming an Absolute Unit. Once becomes an Absolute Unit, capable of manipulating the body to transform into any state of matter.