"Hey, Bram. I remember how big your bird was. Has your bird grown big now?" asked Liora.

Bram was flabbergasted at Liora's question. His sister had gone mad.

Bram was flabbergasted at Liora's question. Liora has gone mad.

A moment later, Bram chuckled. He remembered when he and Liora were children, several times he had bathed with Liora. However, he and Liora were wearing underwear. But Bram didn't expect it because Liora had been secretly watching his intimate parts in the past. And, what did Liora say? What a ridiculous question. It was clear that his body had also grown big, how could his intimate parts remain small. Only Clara knew how, and how big his intimate part was now.

"You drank too much!" said Bram, then pushed Liora's head, until Liora's body fell onto the bed.

Liora laughed. It's funny to tease Bram. Bram's face turned red, Bram looked embarrassed.