
"What's the matter, Bram?" Clara asked panicked when she saw Bram's face.


Bram grimaced, making Clara suddenly become anxious. What happened to Bram?

"Hey, Bram! Are you okay?" Clara asked, increasingly worried when she saw Bram looking at her with a look that was difficult to interpret.

Bram kept staring at Clara for a long time. After that, he turned on Clara's body quickly and hugged Clara from behind. Bram's breath caught, he said something right in Clara's ear.

"Your ass is touching my bird, which has been tense for a long time, Clara," Bram whispered.

Clara rolled her eyes. Come on, Clara has been worried. Clara thought something terrible had happened to Bram. Broken bones, for example. Because Bram carried her from the dining table through the stairs to the bedroom.