The Wisp of Spiritual Energy! [UPDATED]

Hours has passed, the moon was still high in the sky, shining brightly.

Ye Chen abruptly woke up from his slumber. Opening his eyes and staring at the ancient and unrefined room. In this strange yet familiar room, his eyes revealed a blurry hint.

Thinking of he was transferred to another world Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief. Now that he was here, he didn't need to shut himself away from the entire world and he could able to live a very peaceful life. 

The more he thought about this place, the better he felt about it. He didn't need to worry about anyone making fun of him, or lodging or food. Considering that this was a dwelling-place of Immortals, it could truly be said that he had unexpectedly been rescued from his desperate life.

As he couldn't able to fall asleep, Ye Chen pulled out the manual from the sack and started reading. After reading the first line of the first page, he felt shocked.

"A person should have something to rely on. If you are a mortal who desires riches and strength if you are a Cultivator who wants to live a life free from worry, join my Yunmeng Sect. You can rely on me." That was the introduction to the manual, and it was signed by its first patriarch.

Even though it was only a handful of words, they were filled with an indescribable power. It was both an invitation and a description of the Yunmeng Sect. Ye Chen felt numb, and then, everything suddenly made sense.

"The Yunmeng Sect. Is this the meaning of the Sect? People must find something to rely on when they find the Yunmeng Sect, then they will become powerful and free from worry." It made more and more sense. He realized that if he'd had someone to rely on, he would never felt depressed after the death of his parents, and never looked at another path to ease his life. He sighed, with that one sentence, it seemed as if another door in his life had suddenly opened.

"In other words, I have to find someone to rely on while I'm here. If I do, I won't have to worry about anything." His eyes grew brighter as he continued to scan the manual. Soon, he lost track of time and didn't even notice the virtue of his bodily state, as he was completely immersed in the reading.

Ye Chen sighed, reluctantly closed the manual. Even though he felt very tired, his eyes were filled with vim and vigor.

"Since I managed to come to Immortal world, I will never let the tragedy fall on me again." Ye Chen said while he lay on his bed and clenched his fists. For someone who had always dreamed of becoming a rich person, something worth thousands of people look up to. Live a comfortable and worry-free life, and becoming an Immortal was worth more than anything except his life. Feeling a little more excited he recalled the manual he just read.

"The ninth level of Qi Condensation is the path to being an Immortal. Transferring to this world, I have a chance to become an Immortal. If I become an Immortal, this will become my biggest achievement." Ye Chen was still gripping the manual in his hands his eyes shining brightly. He had finally found the path besides cursing his entire life.

In his excitement, he noticed the bright moon drizzling in the sky. He looked over and saw the moonlight plunging on his room from the windows. 

Laying on the bed, having read the booklet and understanding it, Ye Chen was very clear on what kind of world he is currently in. The strong are respected while the weak are humiliated. As long as you have sufficient strength, all power and influence would have to bow down in front of you and this includes even the supreme imperial authorities.

Those who seek the Cultivation path, not only do need to have talent above others but they would also need to have a strong heart as well as incomparably tenacious will. The current Ye Chen had gone through many difficult situations. In addition to the pain and suffering he went through, his will is no doubt to be any weaker than average cultivation beginners.

Ye Chen lay on the bed for a while, gaping at the bright moon on the long horizon, admiring the moon for its liberation, then put the booklet in the sack with the greatest of care and went back to sleep.

The following morning at dawn.

As the morning sun filled the sky, the sound of bells filled the air. It seemed to carry with it a strange power, as Ye Chen heard it, he woke up abruptly. Ye Chen woke up and dressed silently, walked outside the door. Picking the food to send for him outside, Ye Chen entered his room once again.

He walk to his room, eating the food the sect had send for him, resting on the bed Ye Chen pulled out the Qi Condensation Manual and examined it again. Following the description in the manual, he sat crossed legs, attempted to sense the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth.

Compared to before when he entered in cultivation state, meditating now and absorbing the spiritual energy of Heaven and earth was much more difficult, cause of the scarce of the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth around him. Ye Chen shook his head bitterly and continued to meditate.

Time passed, and soon it was dusk. Ye Chen was completely immersed in meditation as couldn't grasp the flow of time.

He sighed as he could only sense the little spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth around him, which he could only absorb at a slow pace.

Letting out a bitter smile, Ye Chen said: "I couldn't believe I have not enough talent in cultivation, I have failed in my life but I won't fail in cultivation." Stubborn persistence shone in his eyes. He strengthen his head and began to cultivate continue until late in the night. Until he felt stressed, and passed out and fell asleep.

As he slept, his dreams were filled with thoughts of sensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, becoming a powerful cultivator. But to bring the dream to reality he has to work hard, harder than anyone and everyone.

The morning bells woke him up again. He opened his half blurry eyes, yawned, and got out of bed, get ready, picks up the food left for him outside. Then, along with some exercise, He cleaned up and took the broom lying in the corner of his room, and walked out. Standing at the front door, he stretched a little. He looked up at the bright sky and closed his eyes while breathing in deeply. He was enjoying this moment of peace, before reopening his eyes to start sweeping the ground, cleaning away the dirt and leaves in his courtyard.

Sweeping his courtyard clean, Ye Chen did not waste any of his precious time, and dashed to his room and proceeds to read the Qi Condensation Manual and begins to sense the thin spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth.

A day, two days, three days… time continued to pass. Ye Chen's meditation ability slowly grew until he could able to sense the threads of the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth around him.

The Ten has passed, Ye Chen is finally able to grasp the spiritual energy around him. Eventually, ready to start his cultivator's life, Ye Chen brings the jade white bottle, plugged with six muddy-looking pallets, entering the weird-looking room. 

The room was completely different from his entire house, engross with multiple-looking formations and lights. Ye Chen entered it, and stand in the center of the room. As he entered he could able to sense a large amount of spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth around him, without entering in meditation state: "I didn't though, I could able to sense spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth without entering meditation state." 

Calming down his surprised look, Ye Chen suddenly sit crossed-legged on the ground, and immediately closed his eyes. After half an hour, Ye Chen completely entered a meditation state.


His body suddenly vibrated, and he felt a prickling numbness in his limbs. Then, it seemed as if a tiny wisp of invisible Qi condensed within his flesh and blood, then seeped out of his body.

After that, he felt a strand of spiritual energy appear inside him again. In excitement Ye Chen abruptly opened his eyes, causing the invisible spiritual energy to disappear. Clutching his both hands tightly, Ye Chen closed his eyes completely, his body trembling. 

Grasping the jade white bottle in his hands, inspecting the round pallets do not mint to give him any harm. He suddenly throws in his mouth and swallowed in his abdomen.

"Hong." Unable to take a breath, Ye Chen felt the pill gradually sink into his abdomen, turning into a warm current, spreading across his limbs. Cozy and gentle energy spread around his body, nourishing him from inside. 

After taking the pill, a large amount of spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth swirls around him. Gathering in that formation room almost extensively.