The Monster

"The Demon wolf died!" Said the disciples who are watching, Ye Chen and Demon wolf battle and while looking at the scene before them, gasping with astonishment.

They following Ye Chen After they saw his bag full of precious materials in it and beast cores, But after they saw Ye Chen and Demon wolf battle they don't dare to face Ye Chen at all.

Instead of talking, they were looking at Ye Chen as if he was a monster.

"Boss!" Among the four disciples, the youngest swallowed and said, "We still attacked him?"

"F*CK, Can you still defeat him if you can, go and attack him then."

"Have you not seen that he defeated Demon wolf with one stroke, Can you still think we are his opponent's. If we attacked him now I don't know how we really die!" The leader of their group said with cursing.

Will they were talking Ye Chen glanced at them.

"Did he know we are following him?" someone said.

"Shut the f*CK, Up." the leader of the disciple shouting furiously.

"Let's get out of here, quickly." He takes a deep breath while looking at Ye Chen who was still standing on his feet but no longer moving, not even a sign of breath could be seen. Then vanished from his place and other disciples following after.

Finally, Ye Chen moved. He slowly turned around. His eyes were sparkling and he was grinning wholeheartedly. Spreading his arms out in a stretching motion. He remembered the instant he had attacked. One slashed, it had looked like a silver firefly streaking across the sky. It was lightning fast with such unbelievable power. One of the prerequisites of the One Slashed skill was, of course, to be faster than the opponent.

Ye Chen started walking and went towards Demon Wolf with an ice-cold smile on his face.

"A ninth-tier ferocious wild beast… This time I have collected lots of precious items" said Ye Chen himself a smile on his face. He took out his dagger and started carving up the precious materials from the body of the Demon wolf.

"If I could get some profound pills in exchange for the materials I have collected, that'd be good," said Ye Chen looking forward to harvesting more ferocious beasts. A profound pill was a pill that helped improve Cultivators' training and enabled them to reach higher layers. It was an extremely useful item for Cultivators. However, it required killing lots of ferocious beasts to get a single profound pill. Items that were tradable for a profound pill could only be found in higher-level ferocious beasts making it extremely dangerous.

Ye Chen's eyes were shining. He remembered how useful a single profound pill could be to lower-level disciples. Even though he was able to defeat ninth-tier ferocious beasts with little effort, he was still at the seventh Layer Qi Condensation Realm which was still only an average level within the disciples. If he could reach the next layer, he maybe wouldn't have to rely on the One Slashed skill anymore and would be able to defeat a Cultivator who had already reached the ninth layer easily.

Five days later, in the middle of the thick and dense forest, powerful roars were heard from Ye Chen's sword. Small explosive sounds were crackling in the air all around.


Trees were splintering and bursting apart from contact with the thunderous roars. Ye Chen was using his sword so gracefully and elegantly that it seemed like the sword was dancing in the air. You would not be able to tell from a glance that his sword held such terrifying power. What made Ye Chen so terrifying is that he could have killed the ferocious beast at any time, but instead was using it for training. He was so quick at using the sword that it seemed like an invisible wall appeared in front of him, blocking anything which approached.

Ye Chen sheathed his sword with a smile. He was extremely satisfied. Ye Chen's face looked delicate and his facial features gave a handsome yet gentle feeling. In comparison with what he looked before he starts cultivation, he looked more refined now.

"Time to go back," thought Lin Feng.

The first thing he had done after returning to the sect was going and exchange his precious items for contribution points and some extra materials for purity stones. In sect, you can buy anything with contribution points but in Wumei town you need purity stones to buy any items.

Thinking about days in the Yu-Shan mountains Ye Chen began to leave. On the road, he saw many Outdoor disciples some are cultivating and some practicing martial arts techniques.

On his way, the disciple is watching him going in sect step by step with greed in their eyes. On Ye Chen's back, the bag was full of precious materials. Anyone can go crazy when they saw this many materials amount to thousands of contribution points. But they didn't attack Ye Chen they know that if he can collect this many materials or beast cores he is not a weak person they don't want to endanger their lives for some materials.

As Ye Chen enter in sect he began to walk in the contribution hallway. After entering in contribution halls he saw the old man ( the disciple who called a nightmare.)

"Elder", Ye Chen bowed to greet the old man.

And with a thud put the bag on the Treasurer's table. The treasurer has begun to observe materials and other beast cores and a surprising look shows in his eyes. There are more than a hundred fifth-tier beast core, 70 plus sixth-tier beast core, 30 seventh-tier beast core, 15 eight-tier beast cores, and what surprised the old treasurer was there is even 6 ninth-tier beast core they are not easy to get.

What Ninth-Tier Beast means, Ninth-Tier beast is equal to Nine-layer Qi Condensation Realm cultivator and Ye Chen was only sixth no, seventh-layer Qi Condensation Realm he was already broke through to another layer this also amazed the treasurer. When he saw Ye Chen ten days ago he was at sixth-layer Qi Condensation Realm in just ten days he had broken through the Seventh Layer Qi Condensation Realm.


"The materials and Core of beasts are of high quality." said the Treasurer with greed in his eyes.

"So, how many contribution points I can get" Ye Chen Asked.

Before Ye Chen can complete his word the treasurer said,

"You can get 5641 Contribution points."

"Can I get 3500 in contribution points and others in purity stones?" Ye Chen asked,

"Ok." Old Treasurer nodded.

"Here is your card with 3,500 contribution points in it and here are your low-grade spirit stones."

Spirit stones have four categories in this world low-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones, high--grade spirit stones, and super-grade spirit stones.

1 Super-grade stone = 10,000 high-grade stones, 1 high-grade stone = 1,000 middle-grade stones, 1 middle-grade stone = 100 low-grade stones.

"Hmmm." Ye Chen was not happy with the price he gets. He thought he could get more but it's just fine for now, you should have something other than nothing in his pocket.


Ye Chen knew that the materials he had to sell have more value than the treasurer had given him, But Ye Chen could do nothing about this. The old man treasurer has thug many disciples how can he let Ye Chen off. If he has the strength the old man wouldn't ever dream to thug Ye Chen. Now he can only endure this.

Ye Chen Stare at the old man With a sigh, He leaves the contribution hall and begun to walk to his room.

As he leaves the contribution hall A soft voice comes to his ears.