The Same thing Again

Ying Yue was in Dazed while looking at Ye Chen the story he had made was really realistic than she had told to Ye Chen. What he said she was somebody's maid and they left her in the mountain to be eaten by beasts that didn't like her.

"So, when she is going to leave." Ye Lan Asked disdainfully.

"Well she didn't have a place to go, and her parents were killed so she told me will be live here as my maid."

"Your maid?"

"Your maid?" Both shouted at the same time.

After both shouting Ye Chen become embarrassed a bit touching his forehead while tapping on it.

"Why you are shouting?" Ye Lan asked to Ying Yue.

" I... I didn't hear clearly what he said so... So I shouted in panicked." Ying Yue said in explanation.

While Ye Lan stays for some time and left.

"If you want to stay here you can or if you want to leave you can go but if you stay here your identity will be my maid if you have any problem with that you can go." After Ye Lan left Ye Chen said to Ying Yue.

"I will stay here I don't have a choice." Said Ying Yue dissatisfied tone.

"Okay Then." After saying this Ye Chen go back to his cultivation room, two days passed in the blink of an eye. Ye Chen goes to Refiner Yang Bai to collect the equipment He has told him to refine it after collecting the equipment Ye Chen didn't wander in the market just come to the sect as soon as possible. There is someone already keeping his eyes on Ye Chen and Ye Chen didn't want to confront him without prepared first so Ye Chen didn't waste his time. After coming to his room Ye Chen began to assemble the part he got from Yang Bao.

At the same time in the Yunmeng sect outdoor disciples area, an in-room person sitting on a chair he looks handsome and his hair were blacks tied in a bun. But how his handsomeness can't be seen he was angry at that moment.

"What happened have he left the sect or not." He asked the question to disciples who are standing in front of him while their heads looking at the ground. They are afraid of the man who was sitting on a chair fiercely staring at them.

"No, Senior brother Yang Cao. He didn't leave the sect many times days ago he goes to Wumei town to buy some resources for cultivation and meet a refiner to refine a weapon for him. In between the moments, he didn't go to Yu-Shan mountains for hunting if he had to go we definitely informed senior brother Yang Cao." One of the disciples said to Yang Cao. Yang Cao was the big brother of Yang Delun Rank Eighth in the Outdoor ranking list and he has reached the first layer of Heavenly Profound realm in Age 22.

"Hmmm, when he goes to Yu-Shan Mountains for hunting let me informed quickly. I want to kill him with my own hands let him know what despair is." Said Yang Cao with anger.

"I will become inner disciple soon I want to kill him as soon as possible."

"Yes, Senior brother Yang Cao." Said one of the disciples who was standing in front of Yang Cao.

"Yes Senior brother Yang Cao, Yes Senior brother Yang Cao." All disciples standing in front of him shouting in response.

Seven days have been passed Ye Chen has finally come out of Yunmeng Sect to go Yu-Shan Mountains for training and hunt down some beast so he can stabilize his cultivation. After he has reached the Eighth Layer of Qi Condensation Realm. He didn't get the chance to fully stabilize it and if he wants to stabilize his cultivation he had to need fight. So Ye Chen finally decided to go on Yu-Shan Mountains today.

As Ye Chen was going Yu-Shan Mountain there already some disciples who are following him from the shadows.

"Go, informed Senior brother Yang Cao that Ye Chen has to leave the sect and going to Yu-Shan Mountains from training." One of their leaders speak, he was average looking with pencil color chang pao but he looks quite stronger than other disciples who are following him.

"Yes, brother Heng." As the disciple said this he immediately flew in the direction of the Yunmeng sect direction to informed Yang Cao.

"Let's follow him and if get to the foot of Yu-Shan mountains we will go and attack him and Senior brother Yang Cao come he will definitely praise us for that." Che Heng with a smile on his face.

Che Heng was at the ninth layer of Qi Condensation Realm and he was more stronger than Yang Delun that Ye Chen has already killed. Che Heng ranked Eighteenth in outdoor ranked disciples when he was fighting with Yang Cao he loosed the fight and from that day he also become to follow Yang Cao and become his right-handed man.

Ye Chen was slowly walking in the direction of the Yu-Shan Mountains he was not in a hurry. He already knows that Yang Cao will definitely be waiting for him to leave the sect to practice in mountains. And Ye Chen was already prepared for that he was just waiting for them to come to him.

After some time Ye Chen finally comes foot of Yu-Shan Mountains. The Mountain looks scary as always like any wild beast come out of his hiding and attack Ye Chen. Ye Chen turns around looking at some distance the shadows that are following him. There are three shadows Ye Chen glanced at the surrounding area but there was no one other than the three shadows who are following him.

Ye Chen throws his sword on the ground looking at the shadow.

"You guys have been following for a day, so you should be tired!"

"So you guys are Yang Delun's Brother or Yang Delun's brother's lackeys." Ye Chen was talking to them leisurely.

Damn it!

Until this moment, the boss, the third, and the fourth did not know that they had been discovered by Ye Chen a long time ago.

This guy has been playing with them all the time!

"Hmph, we have been observing you for a day. Even if you are strong what can you do. The three of us are all in the ninth layer of the Qi Condensation Realm. You are only in the eighth layer of the Qi Condensation Realm. Killing you is easy as killing an insect!"

"Then why you are not attacking me perhaps, are you guys waiting for your boss's instructions."

"You don't deserve to fight our big Yang Cao. For you, we are more than enough."


Seeing Ye Chen being so arrogant, a sense of shame that was underestimated rose in the hearts of the three of them, and they rushed forward.

"Well then I use you guys to practice my hands, anyway I also want to stabilize my realm as well!"

Ye Chen's body is not very skillful because of his sloppy personality in the beginning.

Therefore, he needs to fight to keep improving himself.

"The Cannon Punch!"

With a low cry, Ye Chen's palm pierced through the surrounding air.

Facing the three-person attack, Ye Chen appeared very calm.

As soon as he shot his hand, his palms were like heavy mountain peaks, slamming to the left and right.

"Boom... Boom!"

Two dull voices sounded, Che Heng and the fourth person as if they had touched two iron plates, groaned and had to back off.

They had the feeling that their hand was being crushed by a powerful invisible force. Their entire body was being crushed by the extreme power of the waves. The waves were overwhelmingly oppressive and violent. Not only they had lost all their strength and arrogance, but at the same time, the waves were crashing down onto their arms. Their right hands had already started to swell and turn purple from the pressure.

After fighting with them Ye Chen turns around. It's just that in front of Ye Chen the youngest man smiling with joy, and the long sword in his hand pointed directly at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had already resorted to it. At this moment, If he was exhausted, it was absolutely impossible to attack them again so quickly.

However, seeing Ye Chen rushing towards him desperately, the face of the third child gradually changed.

"Lingbo's palm!"

With a low wail, a strong energy burst out in front of Ye Chen's palm.

Faced with that energy, the youngest man felt like a horse galloping and rushed straight on his cheek.

Ye Chen smiled, raised his palm, and his body jumped up, with the help of lighting steps skill he comes to the back of the third slashing diagonally on the youngest third's neck.


A fragile bone fracture sounded, and the youngest pair's eyes widened and his breath broke.

To his death, he didn't understand when did he die. leaving him motionless, even unable to speak!

"too weak!"

Looking at the fallen youngest third, Ye Chen clapped his hands and stared at the other two.