Ye Chen Vs Ninth-Tier Silver Web Spider (part I)

After the Golden Blackbuck was half dead The Silver Web Spider wrapped him in a cocoon-like shape and drag him into a nearby cave.

Ye Chen was in dazed standing there hiding behind a tall tree not moving from his place. His face was heavy, and there are some bad feelings in his heart. His breathing has been increased shaking after looking at the silver web spider when he was eating Golden Blackbuck. His chest was throbbing.

Ying Yue did not disturb him. Ye Chen sits on the ground his back was relaxed on the big tree. Trying to calm down his twists thoughts. Time has passed. After half an hour Ye Chen let out a deep sigh clenched his hand in a fist and tighten his grip. Stand in his place walking in the direction of the cave that the Silver Web Spider had entered.

The Cave was densely covered by the grass. Ye Chen didn't think about anything more. And directly breaking into the dark pitch-black cave. The light in the hole is not bright, but you can still able to around 5 meters of area.

With a fixed eye, Ye Chen couldn't help but be surprised. He saw that the cave was full of spider webs, beside the cave wall, on the ground, a silvery-white cocoons, staggered, piled up, accumulated on the road. The cave was full of corpses. The bodies of beasts, humans all decayed, the smell of blood was intense.

The inside of the cave was wet and dark, and the top of the hole was still dripping down and dripping with water. When Ye Chen stepped on it, he felt a slight shiver.

His breath was intense. Looking in vigilance he didn't want to get attack by surprise in getting injured without even getting a chance to resist. He steadies his breathing looking in front of him. He can hear the sound of Silver Web Spiders' steel-like legs. The sound was not far from him the sound of his legs was coming strong and strong the spider beast was already coming his way.

On the ground of the cave, all kinds of strange white bones piled up into mountains. When the spider monster walk Ye Chen can hear the cracking sound of bones.

Ye Chen didn't have time to consider whether he could compete with this spider beast. Is better to attack him first than to be attacked by the spider monster.

With a low cry, Ye Chen rushed forward while rotating his 50,000 catties of strength. The huge silver-backed spider probably didn't expect to be attacked by this youngster in front of him. The spider didn't wait for Ye Chen's punch to arrive and he immediately evades the attack.

Suddenly attacked, the silverback spider was furious, eight furry long feet swayed on the ground, and the bloody eyes on his head looked toward at Ye Chen.

Looking at Ye Chen the Silver backed Spider ran in direction of Ye Chen while opening his mouth to eat him. Ye Chen didn't try to evade him he rotates his strength with the help of 'Canon Punch' smashed out his mouth. With this attack, the Silver Backed Spider flew and smashed on the wall of the cave. The Silver-backed Spider tries to stand on his eighth foot while tumbling.

The Silver-backed Spider attacks him but to that attack, there was not any strength. Ye Chen avoids it with simple footwork. The Silver-backed Spider attacking him by continuously spitting out bright silver color silk thread from the mouthpart spitting out in the direction of the cave entrance. Blocking the way of Ye Chen entirely. As the Silver backed Spider block his way Ye Chen glanced at his surrounding but he didn't see Ying Yue figure around him. After thinking for a moment, when he entered the cave then I was alone? Ye Chen smiled wryly.

"This is to force me to fight a deadly battle?"

Ye Chen smiled, and only a trace of concern disappeared, and the arrogance in the bones was stimulated.

After some confrontation, Ye Chen also let his heart settle a little more stable. While Unsithing his sword from his back looking at Silver backed Spider. The whole body is surrounded by the strength, and the breath is deep and steady. Both sides are looking at each other, the silver-backed spider was not in a hurry.

Now, in this case, don't kill this spider, you can't go out. In this case, you can only fight for your life. The battle of life or death only by killing that Silver Web spider beast can Ye Chen able to leave this Cave. Thinking about this Ye Chen couldn't help but let out a laugh…

Spinning the sword in his hand, Ye Chen slowly walked towards the Silver backed Spider, circling around it.

The Silver-backed Spider stared at Ye Chen as well, choosing not to rashly attack. This was because once it attacked... it would expose its own flaws as well. That would be the moment that determined his life or death.

"Hrmph." Not hesitating at all, Ye Chen suddenly charged forward after the Silver-backed Spider, his body becoming a blur.

With a low cry, the Silver-backed Spider immediately pounced as well. Attacking him with his steel-like eight legs. The legs look like steel rods but the nook of the legs are sharp. The sharp nook tore Ye Chen as well.


Ye Chen avoids the attack with a low cry "Lightning Steps skill" using that skill Ye Chen jumped behind Silver-backed Spider.

With a flash of the sword! Ye Chen's sword shadow flashed through the air. Its speed was terrifyingly fast with the chi chi chi sound. The flashing sword chopped at the Silver-backed Spider's Leg, carving out a massive wound, and fresh blood instantly spurted out.

"Blocked." But after seeing again Ye Chen was surprised the wound was already beginning to heal. Not healed but the blood has been stopped by his sticky web liquid.

The Silver-backed Spider stared furiously at Ye Chen. The massive wound on its Leg was fixed by his silky web liquid, and the flow of blood began to slow, but it still continued to drip blood. Clearly, that wound had simply been too massive.

The Silver-backed Spider was currently clearly feeling the upcoming arrival of death!

Under this condition, Ye Chen had the feeling that everything was under his control, and he continued to wield the sword in his hand as he drew near the Silver-backed Spider.


Sensing the threat of death from this human youth who was completely afraid of him before, the Silver-backed Spider gave a savage wail. All the fur on its body stood up straight as needles, and its eyes turned hard, its pupils flashing. Those who were familiar with Silverback Spider could tell... that this one had already entered a violent, feral state.

A terrifying aura spread forth from it, affecting Ye Chen to hesitate.

A killing intent?

"Roar!" The Silverback Spider charged towards him, the earth shook beneath it. Ye Chen dodged as agilely as the wind, changing directions with a simple steps. At the same time, his sword flashed. Chi! Fresh blood sprayed out once more, and yet another enormous wound appeared on the Silverback Spider, but this time, the Silverback Spider didn't care at all.