
Stand name: SoulDecision

Ability Type: Close-range Stand

Form Type: Artificial humanoid

Special type: N/A

Appearance: SoulDecision appears as a muscular humanoid spirit clad in riveted armor with a robotic head similar to Robocop but with no skin appearance but has a large grin teeth. It also has one antenna in its head.



Power: A

Speed: B

Range: C

Durability: A

Precision: C

Potential: C


Exorcism: SoulDecision has the ability to take evil sirits or demons possess on the human body, it has the strenght to kill them instantly when he pull it out.

SMP(Stand magnetic pulse): It is similar to EMP but on Stands, this ability creates a shockwave on 20 meter radius using its antenna. When active, it'll trigger the ability in 3 seconds and 10 seconds in cooldown. This ability only neutralize Stand user's Stands and abilities or became a Non-Stand user for 5 seconds.

Drawback: It only neutralize the Stands if they were manifested or active, if not, they can summoned after the blast.


Stand User: Granger Chadler

Age: 53

Gender: Male

Height: 193cm

Weight: 77kg

Nationality: Vertican city(Rome)

Hair color: Black(Very long)

Eye color: Lime

Occupation: Member of Passione(Former)



Allies/Enemies: Allies

Story: Granger was raised in the Roman Catholic church since he was an orphaned, he was a man of God and a believer. Afte he left, he was joined an organization name Passione, after he was joined, he never expected it was a strange one and got shot by the arrow. Until he was 50, he resign to be the member and return to his church. With his ability, he became an exorcist and go around the world eliminate any evil within in this world.

On the trip of America, he met a hopeless man and he change his life forever, anfmd that man was Kyle phillip himself.