The Beast

Stand name: The Beast

Ability Type: Automatic Stand

Integrated Stand

Form Type: Phenomenon Stand

Special Type: Sentient Stand

Share Stand

Appearance: It appears as the user but more muscular and has red pupils in its eyes. Its body is look like it uses hundreds of steroids and veins were all over the body, and it is one of the Stands are visible to Non-Stand users. The voice of the Stand is more deeper than the user. Although its true form is over 210cm, more muscular than in real life, have a very long black hair, and a very menacing dark red pupils, and more veins all over its body but this doesn't show its actual true form in the real world.



Power: A

Speed: B

Range: N/A

Persistence: A

Precision: A

Potential: A

•Abilities: Animal powers

Gorilla Strenght: The Beast possesses immense strenght that is 50 times stronger than a gorilla. And can easily bend tungsten with its bare hands.

Super speed: The Beast runs faster than a ostrich, fast in 70km/h. Running in four legs makes it runs as a cheetah. Its a fadt runner and a fast fighter.

Wall Climbing: Its an ability made the Stand climb in smooth walls like a lizard.

Rhinoceros hide: The Stand's skin was 50 times harder than a rhino's hide and can survive every military fire power including surviving a missle. Its nearly impossible to get through its skin even it can survive Star Platinum's barrage of punches but it will get injured a bit.

Night vision: Its an ability to see in the dark like a bat.

Sense of smell: The Stand could smell afar like a dog.

Enhance eyesight: TB has extreme eyesight same as an eagle.

Water breathing: An ability to breath underwater like a fish even a fast swimmer.

Element Resistant: It has the ability to resist like heat, cold, poisen, electric, etc. That makes this Stand the most dangerous and an unstoppable force.

Regenerate: The ability to heal its own wound for a small period of time. For example, having a large wound in his belly, it only takes 24 hours to fully healed without a mark, or if it looses one of its limbs, it will regenerate fully within a month like a lizard.


Stand User: Frederick Baltazar/Katz/Jolyn/Angel/Felida/Rackel/Polly/Barley/Goddard/Luke/Patrick/Norma/Ian/Marry/Samuel/Heinrich/Orwell/Jade/Hedwig/Patricia/Dennis/Berry/Kevin/Scarlett/Chris/Robert Y./Christ/Jeremy/Mark/Paul/Brie/Tom/Karen/Don/Daniel/Josh/Elizabeth/Tommy/Chad/Sebastian/Anthony/Chris T./Joe/Benedict/Bradley/Gwyreth/Zoe/Jon/Tessa/Evangeline/Vin/Dave/Benedict G./Letitita/Pom/Samuel/Cobie/Taika/Tilda/Hiroyuki/Bean/Bettany/Michelle/Natalia/Tyler/Rene/Michael/Winston/Paul/Hayley/Robert/Jacob/Terry/William/Johnson/Evans/Jackson/Harry/Renner/Ruff/Rudey/Larson/Halley/Galley/Chadley/Lilly/Brolin/Diesal/Hilton/Bose/Stanley/Max/Petty/Russley/Cumb/Cooper/Paltrow/Sally/Wong/Thompson.

Age: 42

Gender: Male/Female

Height: 170cm

Weight: 65kg

Nationality: American

Hair color: Brown(Medium)

Eye color: Silver

Occupation: Business man/teacher/Firefighter/Electrician/Exterminator/Accountant/Plumber/Construction worker/Game show host/Doctor/Chef/Police officer/Mailman/Disney world costum worker/Locksmith/Youtuber/Stripper/Pizza deliverer/Store employee/Lawyer/Artist/Military Sergant/Game store cashier/NASA space cadet/Zookeeper/Chuck E. Cheese employee/Funeral announcer/Hot dog contest host/Uber driver/Game show host/Camera guy/Cooking host/Interview/Barber/Dentist/Whalehunter/Milkman/Banker/Pilot/Hairstylist/Military special forces soldier/CEO of Mcdonalds/Novelist/Detective/Bodybuilder Instructor.

Allies/Enemies: Both

Story: Frederick was suffered a mental illness called DID(Dissiociative identity disorder) or multiple personality disorder. He has a rough childhood cuz of this disorder, it was 15 personality when he was 10, and now in the age 42, it became a hundred. This mental disorder was hard for his childhood but it sometimes help his life. In his whole life, he and some of his alters work alot of jobs in one body. One day he got shot by an arrow, instead of having a Stand beside him, it became an alter because of this disorder. This day he has now a 101th personality and it is aggressive, uncontrollable, and it needs to be fully contained deeper in his mind.