
Stand name: Evanescense

Ability Type: Automatic Stand

Form Type: Artificial Non-humanoid

Special Type: N/A

Appearance: Evanescense is roughly resembles a purple outlet or light switch plate with a simple red button in it, and it can be placed anywhere.

Cry: N/A


Power: E

Speed: E

Range: B

Persistence: A

Precision: E

Potential: D


Curiosity: Its a passive ability will made a person curious towards the button when they sight of it, no matter how strong their will power is, the curiosity keeps spreading on their mind.

Death's invention: Whenever someone press the red button, nothing happens, but in reality within a 100 meters, random people randomly exploded like a balloon full of blood spread everywhere all of a sudden. The more pressing on the button, the more random people died except the latter who presses the button and the original user.

Drawbacks: The original user can't use its own Stand, its abilities don't work when the original user presses rhe button, no matter how many times or harder it is, never works. Its only works when a random stranger doing its work.

Death viewing: Every time anyone died from the button, it shows the original user a vision to see the deaths of them for her satisfaction.

Drawbacks: While looking at the visions the user wasn't aware of its surroundings that makes em vulnerable(Its obvious cuz she's in a middle of her "you know what i mean" /:I )


Stand User: Sakura Mikoto

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 166cm

Weight: 45kg

Nationality: Japanese

Hair color: Black(Long)

Eye color: Red/Green

Occupation: N/A

Allies/Enemies: Enemies

Story: Sakura was a high school student, she has a crush, no, fall in love on a cute boy in her class and always call him senpai secretly. However, she has a dark secret in her, whenever a girl has a crush or always get too close to her senpai, she became aggressive and kills them. After a while, after she notice her senpai lose his virginity on one of her friends, she kill all of them and cut his dick off, all those killings and bloodbath makes her even more turn on. That's the day her Stand awakens.