Stand name: OneRepublic
Ability name: Range-Irrelevant Stand
Form Type: Artificial Humanoid
Special Type: N/A
Appearance: OneRepublic is a humanoid form with a robot appearance with a metal mask on its face with red circular eyes, it has 12 holders of the mask, holding its robotic face sticking in the top, top right, right side, bottom right, bottom side, bottom left, left side, and top left side. It's body armour are golden color, and it has a big bundle of dove's feathers on its shoulders with a few golden feathers among them. It's appearance makes it has an angel vibe, or a angel of death made by in heaven.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Persistence: A
Precision: B
Potential: A
Heaven's barrier: While activating it, OneRebublic creates a golden cylindrical barrier summon to the ground to way up to the heavens, while summoming it, its like the Rapture came down to the mortal realm ready to take mortals to heaven just like from the Biblical. This barrier is extremely powerful ability that no physical, magical, mental, spiritual, spacial, demonic, etc, attacks can get though the barrier. No matter how powerful the opponent's ability was, it can't get though the barrier. The barrier doesn't take physical contact, it lets anything get through like a portal, when anything get through the light wall, they erased from existence its like cream's or The Hand's erase ability. The user doesn't get killed or erased when he touch the barrier in the inside, it only felt like he touch a very smooth wall and One Republic could freely get through the barrier and attack any opponents outside the barrier within its range. No fictional attacks in other series could get through the barrier.
Drawbacks: While inside the barrier, the user can't get out or move around with the barrier unless he deactivated the ability. Heaven's barrier is a cylindrical shape shield way up from the sky. However, it is not way up infinite, the top only reaches in the stratosphere(50K meters). There was no ceiling on top of the barrier so any flying Stand or other characters could go up to the sky can get inside, the inside is safe but the outside is not very safe, unless someone could go up high and entered it.
Stand User: Burke Chadler
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Height: 196cm
Weight: 82kg
Nationality: Rome(Vatican City)
Hair color: Black/White(Very short)
Eye color: Yellow
-Bishop in the Chatholic Church
-Right hand man of the BOSS
Allies/Enemies: Enemies
Story: Burke Chadler, the brother of granger Chadler(The Stand user of SoulDecision). When he was young, he was adopted in a orphange same with Granger. They become great brothers. Their whole life was normal on the chatholic church. In his teens, they (A/n: Don't know much about Chatholic and stuff. I don't really know how do they become pope this days. If of you readers are christians, forgive me) try so hard to be the pope, the head of the Veteran Palace. However, it is hard for Burke cause his behaviour, but Granger was cold but well mannered person, that makes Burke look at him in envy.
After the years it was normal until Burke have broke the rules of the ranks being in the chuch: He lost his virginity before marriage. He broke the rules, his out of the ranks. When he was out of the ranks, he got in rage and can't do anything. In the year 2013, after Granger left for an unknown reason and Francis became the pope, Berke's dream wants his dream immediately(Cuz his not a patient man). Then one day, he got shot by an arrow by Nicholas Braun the Stand user of Mad Season. After he recruited in a organization in italy, he became the right hand man of the boss(Not Giorno apparently). When berke has a Stand, he believes it was the gifts of God, he always believes that and never ignores it.