Stand name: Five finger Death punch
Ability Type: Close-range Stand
Form Type: Natural humanoid
Special Type: N/A
Appearance: It appears as a humanoid with red skin and four-like bug legs in its back just like spiderman's. It also wears a black helmet that exposed both of its eyes and its mouth, it also has two horns on it. It's eyes are black with red pupils. It has black chest plate that has a crack in the left side. It wears dark, studded, leather-like forearm-length gloves, mirrored in style by a garter belt-like band at its waist and ankle-height footwear. It wears dark boxers with a boxing champion belt with a golden emblem of a fist.
Power: A
Speed: B
Range: D
Persistence: B
Precision: B
Potential: A
Death's trap: It's dangerous ability could make any object into a trap by touching it. Once a target touch that object, it depends on the user's desire of how long will activate it. Once the time has come, they'll automatically turn into something that they became inflated then exploded like a balloon leaving only a mess of blood around the area. It can make a living organ as a trap while they are still alive. Once you touch the object, their is no other way to deactivate this ability once you are already dead even if you go far the user's range never works. The ability doesn't work on its own user though.
Drawbacks: DFDP couldn't make something very large into a death trap like a vehicle, the floor, or a tree. Also once knocking out the user unconscious, the ability will be cancelled, even the person who touch the trap or about to die will be cancelled.
Stand User: Matthew Haven
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
Nationality: Canadian
Hair color: Black(Medium)
Eye color: Black
Allies/Enemies: Enemies
Story: He was a cold blooded killer. When anything pisses him off, he get to them and kill them without people noticing him cuz of his Stand power that he borns with it. An incident happen on his school when he was 16. He's classmates ignores him and kepts murmuring him everytime, girls who confess him as their crush pranks him with it. Anybody who bumps him without apologizing makes him angry. Everyone in his life including his parents ignores him like he didn't existed and that makes him felt enrage. Then, he sneak in his school and make every object like pencil, eraser, chocks, chair, tables, books, etc into a trap of his ability and set the timer to 4PM after school than the show will begin. Once school is now over, his in the middle of the crowd and see the show and it did, hundreds of students including teachers exploded like balloons blood all over the hallways, people panicking confuse, shock about this. Once he sees this, it awakes a feeling on him that will change his life forever: Amazement. After the catastrophe, he and the other survive classmates and teachers were on outside of school with the police, ambulance, and firefighters. The police has no clue about this including researchers, the only thing their answers were just a phenomenon or unknown. After the years, Matthew met someone and he did, he join an organization and became the boss' top assassin.