Lia went into exile

Danu and Ratna's marriage is about to enter a year, but they don't have children yet, Ratna has taken part in the pregnancy program but there are no results. Danu is very loyal to Ratna even though they have not been blessed with children. Danu never messed with other women out there.

Even so, Ratna, still with her arrogant attitude, always ordered Danu like a little slave who had to be obeyed. Danu sometimes feels bored with Ratna's attitude. Danu feels unappreciated as a husband. But Danu had to accept that because this was his wish to marry Ratna.

Lia, who now lives alone, is still busy with her daily activities teaching in kindergarten. Now Lia feels bored, Lia wants to have a new life. Lia wants to forget her bitter past. Many men come to approach her but Lia always refuses on the grounds that she is not ready to open her heart.

Lia is still traumatized by what happened last time, from there Lia learns not to trust men easily. Lia is more focused on her future and she is a smart child, she goes to college without parental fees. Lia always graduated with satisfactory grades. And finally Lia decided to change jobs while continuing her studies. Lia wants to work abroad because Lia has talent with children, Lia wants to enroll in one of the most luxurious kindergarten schools in Japan while continuing her studies there.

Lia had taken care of all the files, and she went to her mother's grave, where Lia poured out all her complaints while crying and hugging her mother's grave. Lia said goodbye and asked permission first at her mother's grave. Actually Lia reluctantly left her remote village. But only in that way Lia can forget her past.

Lia also took care of all the requirements to teach there, while taking care of the requirements for her studies as well.

Finally everything was ready, Lia just ordered a ticket. Lia chose one of her dream countries, namely 'Tokyo'. Japan was her choice, because Lia had always dreamed of going to Sakura. Lia remembers Danu when she says Japan. Because Lia and Danu used to have a plan, when they got married, Lia and Danu wanted to go on their honeymoon to Sakura Country. But Fate said otherwise, Danu married his best friend instead. Lia feels very sad and devastated when she remembers her past.

Lia was getting ready to go, Lia accidentally shed another tear. She saw the reflection of her mother and she smiled to herself and tried to steal herself.

The plane began to fly at a certain height, Lia looked at the clouds that only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. Like a love story that has passed with someone else.

On the plane, Lia was sitting relaxed while reading her favorite novel. Suddenly a boy's voice was heard crying, the child was 4-5 years old, Lia who had been engrossed in her reading finally turned her head to the side.

She saw the boy with a cute, funny and adorable face as soon as she approached the little boy.