
"Okay! I'm patient on this". Said Feng Yi.

Suddenly Feng Yi's eyes looked to the right of the road, she saw a taxi passing by, "Lia, there is a taxi!". Said Feng Yi.

"Where?". Lia asked.

"That, how can you not see who is walking this way". Said Feng Yi.

"Oh yes, I see it now, I hope this taxi is empty!". Lia said hopefully.

"Hopefully our destiny tonight is good." Said Feng Yi.

The taxi was getting closer, then Feng Yi and Lia waved their hands together, and right in front of them the taxi stopped.

Feng Yi and Lia looked from the outside glass, she wanted to make sure that the taxi had no passengers.

"Fate is indeed good to us, it turns out this Taxi is empty, I am very happy, so I can go home quickly". Said Feng Yi.

Lia smiled at Feng Yi's words. "Yes! Now let's go in". Said Lia.

The two of them then got into the taxi, she was very happy because she could go home without having to bother anyone.