The Hiroshige Family.

"Mama, calm down, and trust me. I've done my duty as you ordered". Said Hiroshige.

"Good then! Mama really hopes you can avenge Mama with that girl". Said Mrs. Rihanna.

The look on her face seemed to hold a very deep emotion and revenge.

"Okay Mom!". Said Hiroshige.

Mrs. Rihana is a fashionable woman, even though she is old but she looks youthful because of expensive treatments.

Mrs. Rihana's appearance is very fashionable, her red lipstick sticks to her thin lips, her beautiful eyes use yellowish green contact lenses, her hair is jet black with shoulder length hair, making her stand out even more.

Mrs. Rihanna and Mr. Richard have been married for a very long time, they are both known as the biggest drug mafia in Mexico.

However, because they had become fugitives from the police, their family then moved to Japan and now the three of them live in a city center.