The enemy is under the covers.

"Akiyama! You've come to your senses, are you still in pain?". Hiroshige asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Oh yeah, I forgot I was at your house!". Akiyama said.

"Now you are at my house! Are you okay, let me know if you feel sick!". Hiroshige said worriedly.

"I'm fine! The pain is gone! Oh yeah what time is it?". Akiyama asked.

"It's 10 o'clock at night." Hiroshige replied.

Akiyama was very surprised. "Gosh. I have to go home, surely now he's looking for me everywhere". Akiyama immediately got up.

"Where are you going? You are not healthy, you can't go anywhere just yet!". Hiroshige said trying to stop Akiyama.

But Akiyama still insisted on going home, "I have to go home, I don't want my brother to worry about me! Quickly take me home". Akiyama said.

"But you have not recovered, I will not take you home. I ask you to stay here until you are completely healed!". Said Hiroshige.