The guests left

"Miss Talia, can I speak with you?", Axel called from the hallway.

Talia glanced at Caden and Maya who were only two steps away from Talia, pretending not to see anything.

Betas were unusually reserved during lunch and after it, and Talia assumed that they have something else on their minds, probably their next tasks.

Talia didn't think badly about Axel. In Talia's opinion, Axel was the quiet, thinking type, which is unusual for werewolves, but she is an odd one also, so she felt like they have something in common.

"Sure. Is it OK to talk here, or do we need privacy?"

Talia hoped that Axel won't pick privacy because she remembered how Damon would barge in and turn borderline crazy every time Talia talked with an Alpha… or with a guy… or with anyone. Really, now that she thought about it, Damon didn't like when she talked with people.

Should she be worried about it? No. Damon was probably worried about her safety, that's all.