
"Are you OK?", Travis asked Talia when Ashley and Heather were out of the earshot.

Talia nodded, but her expression was not good.

She wanted to retaliate and to tell those two women that they were wrong, but somehow… everything they said sounded right. Maybe that was a reality check she needed.

The truth was that Talia didn't know, what is she to Damon? A nobody? A pet? He called her so many names, from Mrs. Blake to kitten, and Talia didn't know if any of those would last.

Did he mean it, or was that just sweet-talk with a purpose to trick her?

From the beginning, Talia knew Damon as a moody Alpha. He would do what he wanted, when he wanted, with whom he wanted… and that included sleeping around.

Talia was dejected at the thought that Damon slept with those two… Ashley and Heather. Is there a girl who didn't spread her legs for him? But who was Talia to judge them when she was the same?