The guests are here (8)

Tatiana's chewing slowed down as she studied Maddox's handsome face, and then a thought hit her.

"You are Mindy's brother."

Maddox cocked an eyebrow. "I am older, so she is my sister."

Tatiana didn't care about that nonsense.

She was trying to match this handsome man with the image Mindy portrayed. Almost female, womanizer, stubborn, overbearing.

How can he be compared to a female? In Tatiana's opinion, Maddox was the manliest man she ever saw, and she saw many.

A womanizer? Tatiana remembered that he was just standing there and staring at her stupidly and she ended up kissing him first. How can that be called a womanizer?

Stubborn? Overbearing? Those also didn't match this man who was smiling silly and feeding her, taking the role of a servant, and not someone who wants to dominate.

After a moment of thought, Tatiana pushed Mindy's words aside.