Memories and the painful reality

"How are you doing?", Maya asked Talia when she entered the room.

"I'm fine.", Talia said. She was far from fine, but she didn't want to talk about it.

Ever since Cornelia left, Talia was pacing through the room, torn between the reason that told her to stay put and emotions that were urging her to go to Damon.

Seeing Maya in the room, Talia wanted to ask about the situation with Damon, but she knew already what happened during dinner because she watched them through the security video feed, and Talia couldn't make herself continue watching what was going on in the garden even though cameras had night vision.

If anything happened between Damon and Marcy, before the potion took effect, Talia didn't want to know about it. And what if the dose was not enough for Damon? Or what if it was not effective at all?