Family planning (2) [Bonus chapter]

Damon showed Talia the mental image of what he wanted, but when his scent of the forest mixed with manly muskiness hit her nostrils, and when Talia saw glistening precum on his tip, she got another idea. 

Talia released the waistband his of pants once it reached his knees and she leaned over his legs, pressing her breasts on his exposed thighs as she took him into her mouth. 

Damon hissed at the same time she hummed, both in pleasure.

He loved the way her tongue wrapped around his cock, and she loved the sensation of him growing in her mouth. 

"Yeah, kitten… just like that…", he breathed when her head started bobbing. 

Talia knew what he liked, and she did it for him with satisfaction because she could make him feel good. The big and powerful Alpha was vulnerable and exposed, gasping and groaning in the rhythm her tongue set and the biggest turn-on was that he willingly lowered his guard in front of her.