Axel's ability (2)

Seeing that Talia settled down, Axel extended his hand toward Talia, palm up. "First, I want to hold your hand."

Talia felt silly holding his hand like that, but it didn't last long.

"Now what?", she asked.

"Write down your favorite food.", Axel instructed. "Then write what you do first thing in the morning. What's your favorite song?..."

Talia finished writing down the fifth item and asked, "Should I show you this?"

"No. But I want you to follow it as I speak.", Axel explained. "Your favorite food is dark chocolate. The first thing you do in the morning is inhale the scent of the forest…"

Talia's eyebrows were rising questionably as Axel got it all right like he could read answers that were on the notepad she was hiding from his gaze.

Axel looked at her smugly. "Was I right?"

Talia turned the notepad for him to see her answers.