A divine message for Keith (1)

Keith was sitting on a chair in the corner of a room that looked like a lab from a horror movie. 

Numerous shelves filled the walls with jars and vials of different colors. He could swear that some of those jars had contents that moved, but he was warned not to touch anything if he wanted to stay there, so he sat there obediently.

In the middle of the room was a medium-sized table. Cassandra, Calla, and three other healers from the Midnight Guardians pack were sitting around that table and talking about some things Keith was not interested in.

He overheard Calla expressing her desire to be the next Oracle, together with a healer called Remi, but Cassandra denied that request immediately with, "I am the Oracle of the Midnight Guardians pack, and I have no intention of retiring. Unless Alpha Talia removes me from my position, it won't happen. Besides, how can you be an Oracle when you are not receiving divine messages?"