Jay and Cora (1)

In Cornelia's room…

James kicked the door to close and flung Cornelia on the bed.

Cornelia yelped in surprise, and she grimaced in preparation for the impact, but then she felt hot palms on her back that lowered her softly on the mattress.

Before she could regain her senses, James was on top of her, kissing her hungrily and swallowing her words before she could form any.

Both were practically naked, so there was a lot of skin-to-skin contact, the flimsy garments covering their crotch areas provided no obstacle for them to feel each other.

Cornelia could sense the urgency behind James' every move, and his masculine energy enveloped them both.

So far, James embraced Cornelia many times. He was always caring and gentle and considerate of her needs, and this time it was still all that, but it was different.