Talk with a Guardian (2)

Gregory's lips lifted into a smile, and he couldn't hide the surprise from his eyes. "You know who I am?"

Talia lifted her chin confidently. "I know what you are. Now, if you would introduce yourself, I would know your name also."

"You can call me, Gregory."

"Is that your real name?"

His smile widened. He thought that she might run away, attack, or call for reinforcements. Not that any of those would work, but he was pleasantly surprised to see how calm she was.

"You impress me, Alpha Natalia. I am glad we can talk peacefully."

"Last time I checked, people who want peace don't come sneakily while concealing their identity."

He sat on the ground and crossed his legs in the lotus position.

"If I announced to everyone I am a Guardian, people would make a fuss about it."

"And that is why you attend events pretending to be a staff member?"

He shook his head. "I'm not here for the event."

"Why are you here?"