Seeking solitude

"Once we reach our destination, we will do whatever you want." Damon coaxed Talia while fighting against his own madness.

She was hot and sexy, and her sweaty body stuck to his perfectly, like they were made for each other. Talia's cheeks were rosy, and her lips were slightly swollen how she was biting on them. Even if he looked away from her, it didn't help much because Talia's sweet citrusy scent of freesia was boosted by her pheromones, making him hard to the point of hurting. Everything about her was made to attract Damon, and now that she was in heat, she was a definition of lustful temptations. Can he hold back until they reach a safe place that would provide them privacy?

Talia bit his shoulder. "You didn't tell me where you are taking me." The grass seemed just fine, and with Damon's strength, they could do it against a tree or rock; they didn't even need anything to lay on.

"You will see," Damon responded.