Ancient relics (1)

"I apologize, Alpha Damon. I didn't mean any disrespect." Cassandra said in a shaky voice. With every passing heartbeat, her body was chilled by the cold sweat.

"It's OK," Talia responded, more to calm down Damon than for Cassandra. "I will think about it and let you know."

The truth was that Talia was curious about her powers as well. The only problem was that she didn't trust the Oracle.

"Can I?" Talia asked while pointing at the purple palm-sized crystal shaped like a crooked pyramid.

Cassandra gestured for Talia to go ahead, and Talia took the crystal into her hand. Its smooth surface was cold to the touch.

'What do you think, Liseli?' Talia asked.

'It's a pretty rock.'

'Can it measure magic? Or is it about something else?'

'Are you worried if it can detect me?'

'Yes.' Talia admitted while keeping the crystal back to the altar.