Cassie's information (2)

'Let me get into her head,' Liseli said eagerly to Talia.

Talia wanted to find out what Cassie knew, but the image of Vincent's confusion and diminished mental capacity was something Talia wouldn't wish on anyone. Not even Cassie.

'Let's leave that in case of an emergency,' Talia responded.

'This looks like an emergency to me.'

'Lis, you are not helping.'

'I want to help, but you are not letting me.'

Talia couldn't believe how casual Liseli was about this. And it was more than casual. Liseli was thirsty for blood, willing to crush Cassie like a bug. Pregnancy hormones were messing up with Talia's mood, affecting Liseli as well.

'Let's calm down first,' Talia said. 'We should use minimal force to get her to talk. We can always resort to violence later.'

Liseli snorted, and Talia felt that the old wolf yielded. For now.

Cassie groaned when Talia's aura pressed on her, making it difficult to breathe.