Missing (3)

Talia waved, indicating for Keith and Cassandra to stop their bickering. She spoke to Cassandra. "Damon was in trouble, in the forest covered with snow, and… I was there. Correct?"

"I know what you are thinking, Alpha," Cassandra responded. "But Alpha Damon will be there with or without you. I believe that without you there..." She shook her head. "Your presence will be critical for his survival."

"How do you know that?" Axel asked. 

"Alpha Damon was solid, while Alpha Natalia's image was fading. That means her presence is optional and will impact the outcome."

"And what if her presence makes it worse?" Keith snapped. Cassandra told him before that her prophecies were just images, full of symbolism and open for interpretation. However, assuming Cassandra was right... if Damon was in danger, should Talia go there? Talia was pregnant! Was Cassandra setting up Talia?