Getting closer (T&O) (cont.)

Travis was talking about his early days as a doctor, unaware that Olivia's hand inched closer to his.

Travis jolted when he felt prickles at the tips of his fingers.

"Can I touch your hand?" Olivia asked.

In less than a heartbeat, Travis' hand was palm up. "Of course you can, Olivia. But… don't force yourself." It took everything in him not to grab her hand and hold her, and he wanted to hold the rest of Olivia also.

Travis remembered Damon's words from the hallway. Damon told him to man up and stop vomiting. Something along the lines, "Look at you, like a pampered human girl who smelled something icky and got collywobbles. Get your shit together, Travis. Your mate needs you. This is not about you…"

Travis knew that Damon was right. This was not about Travis. It was about Olivia and her overcoming the trauma of abuse.