Damon's approval (1)

Ashton and Violet finished tidying up after an umpteenth mind-blowing carnal session and Violet thought they will eat something or go at it again, but then he got all serious and told her to dress up. He prepared a backpack with a change of clothes for both of them.

"Where are we going?" Violet asked while trudging after Ashton through the forest that was getting denser with every next step.

Ashton didn't rush. He was observing, silently measuring, obviously on alert.

Violet used winds to sense their surroundings, but she didn't find anything unusual. However, Ashton was tense and that got her worried.

"Ash? Talk to me. What's going on? Is it rogues? Are our packs in danger?"

Ashton glanced at her before narrowing his eyes to the distance. "It's your dad."