Alpha Ashton (1)

Edgar rolled his shoulders when the magic barrier closed behind Ashton and Violet. "Are we following any specific rules? Can we use abilities?"

"Don't hold back because of me," Ashton said, and Edgar's eyes flashed in surprise.

Ashton's confidence was evident, and Edgar wondered if there was a genuine reason for it or if Ashton was boasting in front of his mate.

"How do we determine the winner? And what does the winner get?" Valeria asked.

"I'm sure you had time to think about bets," Violet said. "Whatever it is, we will take it. We are that confident." Violet felt her powers changing in the last month. She didn't get to test her abilities, but everything was clearer and sharper, and she was certain she had an advantage. A big one.

"If you manage to put a finger on Vi, you win," Ashton declared.

Violet's stomach dropped. How can she fight if she can't be touched? "Ash? What are you doing?"