
I was looking at the queen with doubt like she said something weird

Mc on the other hand pulled himself up after falling on the ground

And even before i could ask anything the crowd started cheering

There was loud sound of trumpets being played

Ministers of raizon came one by one and inteoduced themselves and their post to me

I am not used to akward situations like these so i stared at mc telling him to move

And then a red carpet rolled out from the entrance and the queen asked me

"Let me escort you to the royal palace "

Meanwhile i also had a question in my mind

"What about your son "

As there was lots of noise she couldn't hear anything

And then by a carriage i was escorted to the palace where at the entrance all the maids and buylers working there stood out in a line and bowed their heads

And we entered the palace where she informed me that my coronoation was going to be tomorrow

I don't give a shit about the coronation hut i was genuinely worried about her as she acted like everything was normal

And then the rest of the day procceed with dinner bath , some recreational activities and then it was time to go to sleep

This time me and mc were given different rooms due to the difference in our status now

Poor mc also got swept up into this

While i was busy in my room checking the spear i heard a knock on the door and then i went to answer it

I opened the door but there was noone around below my feet was a letter with nothing on the envelope and no seal

I removed the lettrr from the envolope and started reading it

" Jay i know you must be confused a lot today because you are suddenly being made king

This was because before going fight you he created a will

Everyone knew about the will except you and your partner

In the will it was stated that in occurance of Rakhael's death the title of the king should be transferred to the winner of the bout

Thus the result was the events that occured today

And regarding to my son

He consulted me about his will even at first i didn't agree to it but seeing his eyes and the words they were saying , i had to give up

He even tried very hard to agitate you and get you to hate him very much but was a drastic failure

As a part of the royal family i must steel my heart and my mind sane currently i don't want to talk with anyone so i have sent this letter i am currently mourning and not at the palace currently

As the next king rule it well "

The letter came out as if it was from a movie but it did manage to move me